N.P.de Alcantar Jr e E.R.Filho,
``Transient Analysis of Electromagnetic Devices by teh Finite Element Method'',
Int. Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering,
E.R.Filho e F.S.C.Gomes,
``Synchronons and induction generators behavior in an isolated power plant with both generators'',
Iran Conf. on Electrical Engineering,
E.R.Filho e E.Avolio,
``Studies on the electrical and thermal behavior of equirrel-cage induction motors based on manufacturer technical bulletins'',
Iran Conf. on Electrical Engineering,
E.R.Filho, A.T.L.de Almeida e J.A.Lamoglia,
``An alternative methodology for obtaining parameters and characteristics of three-phase induction motors'',
4th Int. Conf. of IMACS-TC1 93 (Comp. Aspects od Electronechnical Ene,
G.Costa de Miranda, R.Saldanha, A.Konrad e J.P.Filho,
``Point-matched Time Domain Finite Element Method for Transmission Line Transient Simulation -Part I: Comparison with Bergerons Method'',
IASTED International Conf. Applied Modelling and Simulation,
G.Costa de Miranda, R.Saldanha, A.Konrad e J.P.Filho,
``Point-matched Time Domain Finite Element Method for Transmission Line Transient Simulation-PartII: Application to Non-linear Problems'',
IASTED Int. Conf. Applied Modelling and Simulation,
S.M.Deckmann e V.F.da Costa,
``A Power Sensitivity Model for Electromechanical Oscillation Studies'',
IEEE Summer Meeting,
E.R.Filho e E.Avolio,
``Squirrel-cage Induction Motor Dynamics Using an Electrical and Thermal Mathematical Model Based on Manufactures Technical Standard Statements'',
IASTED Int. Conf. on Applied Modelling and Simulation,
``Transient Stability Analysis of a Industrial Power Systems Using an Induction Machine as a Control Device'',
Japan Industry Applications Society Conference - JIASC'93,
Japao, 16-21,
J.O.Saldanha Paulino, I.J.Lopes, W.Boaventura, S.R e J.P.Filho,
``Validation of Rusck's Theory for the Lightning Induced Voltage Calculation on Distribution Lines'',
9o Int. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering,
4, 261-263,
O.M.Astorga e J.P.Filho,
``Dynamic analysis of flashover in high voltage DC polluted insulator'',
CEIDP-IEEE Dielectrics and Elect. Insulation Society Victoria,
V.F.da Costa e S.M.Deckmann,
``Synchronizing and Damping Torques Obtained from a Power Sensitivity Model'',
CIGRE GR-38 International Symposium,
``The Instantaneous Complex Power Applied to Three-Phase Machines'',
Conference Record of the 1993 IEEE Industry Application Society 28th A,
Canada, 171-176,
G.Costa de Miranda, R.Saldanha, A.Konrad e J.P.Filho,
``Comparison of Some Numerical Methods for Transmission Line Transient Simulation'',
X Congresso Chileno de Ingenieria Electrica,
E.R.Filho e N.P.de Alcantara Jr,
``A Comparison between Two Mathematical Models for the Transient Analysis of Electromagnetic Devices by F.E.M'',
Estados Unidos,
M.L.R.Chaves, J.C.Oliveira e M.S.Miskulin,
``Extracao de Potencia de Cabos Para-Raios Isolados nas Linhas de Transmissao: Analise e Desempenho em Regime Permanente'',
X Congresso Chileno de Ingenieria Electrica,
Chile, 19-24,
A.dos S.Junior,
``Um Modelo de de Decisao Baseado em Conjuntos Nebulosos Aplicado ao Planejamento da Operacao Eletrica'',
X Congresso Chileno de Ing. Electrica,
Chile, 229-234,