Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. C.Cavalcanti, ``Introspection in Applied Linguistic Research'', RIAL SEMINAR (Research Issues in Applied Linguistics, Gra-bretanha, 1, (1993).
  2. C.Cavalcanti, ``Diaries as Introspective Tools'', Rial Seminar, Gra-bretanha, 2, (1993).
  3. C.Cavalcanti, ``Indigenous teacher education in Brazil: some thought about sources of veiled conflict in crosscultural interaction'', BAAL SEMINAR on "Bilingual Classroom Discourse", Gra-bretanha, 3, (1993).
  4. M.da D.Moraes, ``Teacher's questions in classroom discourse and the search of a critical language pedagogy'', 10th World Congress of Applied Linguistics - AILA'93, Holanda, 50, (1993).
  5. Almeida Filho, ``Foreign Language Learning in the Interaction'', AILA'93 10th World Congress, Holanda, (1993).
  6. M.J.Coracini, ``L'argumentation dans les discours politique et didactique: différences et ressemblances'', X Congresso Internacional da AILA, Holanda, 664-665, (1993).
  7. C.Cavalcanti, ``Transcultural interaction in teacher education in a Brazilian Indian setting: the case of reading classes in Portuguese L2'', Aila'93, Holanda, 59, (1993).
  8. C.Z.Bolognini, ``The written media and the schoolbooks: how responsible are they in the building of stereotypes that Brazilians have about Germans and Americans'', 10th. World Congress - AILA'93, Holanda, (1993).
  9. S.B.Terzi, ``Children from iliterate environments: Their process of reading and interaction'', AILA 10th World Congress, Holanda, 88-89, (1993).
  10. Kleiman, ``Successful literate/non literate encounters: literate orality culture and communication'', 10th. World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Holanda, 8, (1993).