Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional

  1. P.Brousset, J.Vassallo, H.Knecht, G.Delsol, L.Lamant e B.Odermatt, ``Detection of Epstein-Barr Virus in Hodgkin s disease'', Applied Immunohistochemistry, 1(3), 213-219, (1993).
  2. J.Marques Neto, E.M.I.Amstalden e L.Magna, ``Cutaneous histopathologia observations in systemic sclerosis (SSc). A quantitative and qulitative study'', Rev. Esp. Rheumatol, 1(20), (1993).
  3. K.Metze e Andrade, ``Histology and immunohistochemistry of benign vaginal polyps of the vaginal subepithelial layer'', Histopatology, (1993).
  4. H.Grotto, K.Metze e I.Lorand-Metze, ``Petter of nucleolar organizer regions in human leukemic cells'', Analytical Cellular Pathology, 5, 203-212, (1993).
  5. R.Schnabel, K.Metze, W.Mellin, W.Hiddemann e F.Gullotta, ``Heterogeneity of centronuclear myopathy shown by flow cytometry of nuclear DNA'', Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 19, 182-184, (1993).
  6. K.Metze, ``Comentario sobre o livro Heath D., Smith P.: Diseases of the Human carotid Body, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, London, New York, 1992'', Path. Res. Pract, 189, 374, (1993).
  7. K.Metze, ``Comentario sobre o livro Jones TC, Mohr U, Hunt RD(Eds) Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal Systems. Monographs on Pathology of Laboratory Animals XVII, Springer, Berlin, 1991'', Path. Res. Pract, 189, 374-375, (1993).
  8. K.Metze e I.Lorand-Metze, ``Interpretation of the AgNOR pattern in heamatologic cytologyc'', Acta Haematol, 89, 110-111, (1993).
  9. K.Metze, ``Seasonal variation cells in giant cell lesions'', J Clin Path, 2(46), 190-191, (1993).
  10. K.Metze e W.Feiden, ``Demonstration of rabies virus antigen at autopsy'', Hum Pathol, 24, 930, (1993).
  11. J.F.Marques Neto, E.M.I.Amstalden, W.Pinto Jr e E.Freitas, ``Histopathologic changes induced by heterologous fibroblast transplants in syatemic sclarosis (SSc)'', Rev. Esp. Rheumatol, 1(20), 130, (1993).