Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional

  1. D.J.Hogan, ``Population Growth and Distribution: their relations to development and the environment'', ? United Nations/celade, 1, (1993).
  2. P.F.P.Nogueira e W.F.Jardim, ``Photodegradation of methylene blue using solar light and semiconductor (TiO2)'', Journal of Chemical Education(70), 861-862, (1993).
  3. A.Begossi, ``Ecologia Humana: um enfoque das relacoes homem-ambiente'', Revista Interciencia, 3, 121-132, (1993).
  4. W.F.Jardim, S.M.Gimenez, M.C.Canela e S.Moraes, ``Acute toxicity of Hgo and Hg2+ions to Escherichia coli'', Chem. Spec. Bioavailab(5), 97-100, (1993).
  5. A.Begossi, ``Biodiversity, family income and ecological niche: a study on the consumption of animals at Buzios island'', Ecology of Food and Nutrition(30), 51-61, (1993).
  6. R.F.P.Nogueira e W.F.Jardim, ``Photodegradation of methylene blue using solar light and semiconductor (TiO2)'', Journal of Chemical Education, 70, 861-862, (1993).