Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. M.C.Martins, ``Research in Musical Composition Using Knowledge Elicitation'', The Tenth International Conference on Technology and Education, Estados Unidos, 2, 957-959, (1993).
  2. M.E.B.Brado, ``Logo in teacher training: A reflexive approach in education practice'', 10th International Conference on technology and education, Estados Unidos, 2, 1019-1021, (1993).
  3. F.M.P.Freire, ``Logo: What does this language mean?'', 10th International Conference on Technology and Education, Estados Unidos, 2, 984-986, (1993).
  4. M.E.B.Brado e F.M.P.Freire, ``Understanding the Concept of Angle in a Logo Context'', 10th International Conference on Technology and education practice, Estados Unidos, 2, 981-983, (1993).
  5. J.V.V.D'Abreu, ``Constrution and Interfacement of Devices with Computers for Education Puporses'', 10th International Conference on Techology and Education, Estados Unidos, (1993).
  6. R.G.S.Miskulin, ``Tridimensional Logo: Art or/and Geometry?'', 10th International Conference on Technology and Education, Estados Unidos, 1016-1018, (1993).
  7. M.C.Martins, ``Research in Musical Composition Using Knowledge'', Rethinking the Roles of Technology in Education, Estados Unidos, 957-959, (1993).
  8. M.C.C.Baranauskas, ``Observation Studies about Novices Interaction in a Prolog Environment Based on Tools'', 7th International PEG Conference, Gra-bretanha, 537-539, (1993).
  9. H.V.da Rocha, ``The use of Computational Representations in the Teaching and Learning Programming Concepts'', 4th European Logo Conference, Grecia, 132-144, (1993).
  10. M.C.Martins, ``Analysis of the Musical Domain in the Logo Environment'', 4th European Logo Conferebce, Grecia, 119-125, (1993).
  11. M.C.Martins, ``Analysis of the Domain in the Logo Enveronment'', 4th European Logo Conference, Grecia, 119-125, (1993).
  12. J.A.Valente, ``Logo in Latin America: a survey'', Rethinking the Roles of Technology in Education, (1993).