Promoção de eventos

  1. The Second Workshop of the Plant Genetic Egineering Network BIOLAC/UNU "Identification, Mapping, Expression and Regulation of Plant Genes", Guaruja,SP.
  2. Genetic transformation of monocots International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, II Sugar cane cel. mol. biol. workshop.
  3. The role of H+ATPase on the mechanism of aluminium resistance in maize, XXII Runiao Anual da SBBq.
  4. Mutacoes multiplas induzidas por variacao somaclonal e alteracoes na estrutura do DNA, 39 Cong. Nac. de Genetica, Caxambu.
  5. Strategies for genetic engineering maize plants for nutritional quality improvement and stress resistance, Israel-Brasil Symp. on Agric.Biotec.
  6. The role of lysine-ketoglutarate reductase in lysine accumulaton in maize endosperm, Rothamsted Experim. Station, Harpenden.
  7. Informatica em engenharia genetica, Unicamp.
  8. Regulacao da expressao genica em proteinas de reseva de cereais, Ib, Usp.
  9. Genetic engineering of maize, Brasilia, DF.