Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. L.Zollner, D.E.Zantut-Wittmann e H.Mendes Garmes, ``Padronizacao Tecnica de Cultura de Foliculos Tiroideanos de Porco. Aplicacao como Modelo Experimental `in vitro'', VI Congresso Latino Americano de Tireoidopatia, (1993).
  2. D.E.Z.Wittmann, ``Padronizacao Tecnica de Cultura de Foliculos Tiroideano de Porco Aplicacao Como Modelo Experimental `In Vitro'', VI Congresso Latinoamericano de Tiroide, Argentina, (1993).
  3. M.R.Quadros, J.A.R.Gontijo e J.F.Figueiredo, ``Renal function after aminoacids overload in the partially hepatectomized rats'', XII International Congress of Nephrology, Israel, 531, (1993).
  4. L.A.C.Silva, C.A.L.Ribeiro, J.F.Figueiredo e D.Falkenstein, ``The direct effect over the pars recta preserved in microchambers with electrolites flushing solutions used in kidney transplantation'', XII International Congress of Nephrology, Israel, (1993).
  5. C.A.L.Ribeiro, J.F.Figueiredo e D.Falkenstein, ``Functional aspects of in vitro isolated cortical collecting ducts incubated in Euro-Collins (EC) and University of Wisconsim (UW) solutions'', XII International Congress of Nephrology, Israel, 157, (1993).
  6. C.A.L.Ribeiro, J.F.Figueiredo e D.Falkenstein, ``Functional aspects of collecting ducts preserved during 1 and 24 hours in Collins (Co) Euro-Collins (EC) and Univertsity of Wisconsin (UW)'', XII International Congress of Nephrology, Israel, 157, (1993).
  7. A.R.Pompeu, J.E.Pandossio, J.F.Figueiredo e D.Falkenstein, ``Phagocytic activity and superoxide production by mouse peritoneal macrophases in culture preserved in renal solutions used for kidney transplantation (Tx)'', XII International Congress of Nephrology, Israel, 158, (1993).
  8. J.M.A.Bizzacchi, M.C.N.Basaglia, F.J.P.Aranha e V.R.Arruda, ``Low dose vitamin K1 to reserve excessive oral anticoagulation'', XIII Congresso Iberoamericano de Hemostasia e Trombose, Costa Rica, (1993).
  9. G.Alves Filho, E.Homsi, J.F.Figueiredo e R.Povoa, ``Importance of early hemodepuration in Paraquat poisoning'', XIIth International Congress Of Nephrology, Israel, 1, (1993).
  10. J.M.A.Bizzacchi, C.C.Ribeiro, L.T.L.Costallat e V.M.A.Silva, ``Antithrombim III - protein C and protein S in systemic lupus erithematosus'', XIII Congresso Iberoamericano de Hemostasia e Tromboses, Costa Rica, (1993).
  11. E.Homsi, ``Effects of nifedipine and paf antagonist (BNS 2201) in glicerol-induced acute renal failure in rats'', XII International Congress of Nephrology, Israel, (1993).
  12. L.T.L.Costallat, A.M.V.Coimbra e A.M.Samara, ``SLE: a couprehensive review of 272 patients'', XVIII Congresso Internacional de Reumatologia, Espanha, 527, (1993).
  13. S.R.M.Fernandes, V.A.Zanardi, A.M.Samara e L.T.L.Costallat, ``Angiogrphic abnormalities in polyarterites nodosa; correlation with renal envolvement'', XVIII Congresso Internacional de Reumatologia, Espanha, 528, (1993).
  14. S.R.M.Fernandes, L.T.L.Costallat e A.M.Samara, ``Wegene's Granulomatoses clinical and pathological spectrum'', XVIII Congresso Internacional Reumatologia, Espanha, 527, (1993).
  15. M.A.Carvalho, L.T.L.Costallat e I.G.H.Lorand-Metze, ``System Lupus Erythematoses: bone marrow features'', XVIII Congresso Internacional de Reumatologia, Espanha, 527, (1993).
  16. L.T.L.Costallat, P.D.Sampaio Barros, A.M.Samara e S.R.M.Fernandes, ``The use of methrotrexate in the treatment of Ankylosing spondylites a pilot study'', XVIII Congresso Internacional Reumatologia, Espanha, 485, (1993).
  17. L.T.L.Costallat, S.Watanabe, M.B.Bértolo e C.C.Feo, ``Methotrexate in Rehumatoid arthritis'', XVIII Congresso Internacional de Reumatologia, Espanha, 446, (1993).
  18. M.B.Bértolo e L.T.L.Costallat, ``Hiperuricemia and gout: a survey in hemodialysed patients'', XVIII Ilar Congress of Rheumatology, Espanha, 107, (1993).
  19. M.T.M.Baptista, ``Tumor Hipofisario Hemiagenesia de Tiroide em Pacientes com Sindrome de Turner'', VII Simposio Internacional de Neuroendocrinologia, Brasil, (1993).
  20. K.Metze, Almeida e I.G.H.Lorand-Metze, ``The course of Chagas disease in patients with malignant disorders'', XIV Congress of the European Society of Pathology, Austria, (1993).
  21. I.G.H.Lorand-Metze, F.Gilberti, K.Metze e H.Z.W.Grotto, ``Pattern of nucleolar organizer regions in human normal branulopoiesisis and in leukemias'', XVI Congress of the European Society of Pathology, Austria, (1993).
  22. F.Gilberti, I.G.H.Lorand-Metze, K.Metze e H.Z.W.Grotto, ``Pattern of nucleular organizer regions in human normal granulopoiesis and leukemias'', XIV Congress of the European Soceity of Pathology, Austria, 189-705, (1993).
  23. I.G.H.Lorand-Metze, M.A.Carvalho e L.T.L.Costallat, ``Bone marrow changes in systemic lupus erythematosus'', XIV Congress of the European Society of Pathology, Austria, 1897-45, (1993).
  24. M.E.Guariento, S.M.Alegre, L.Sterian, Almeida, M.R.M.Barros, M.A.B.Teixeira e G.D.Fernandes, ``Elevated serum thyroglobulin with normal TSH indicates that amiodarona induces thyroid follicle disruption'', 67th Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association, Estados Unidos, (1993).