Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. J.S.Giglio, ``Adolecent Psychiatry Today'', IX World Congress Of Psychiatry, Brasil, 1950, 6-12, (1993).
  2. M.A.J.Mac Fadden, ``Perenmial allergic rhinits and psychosomatic'', 9th World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, (1993).
  3. M.A.A.Cabral, ``Over view: violence in childhood'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, (1993).
  4. M.A.A.Cabral, ``Psycho-social aspects os maltreatmen's parents'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 351, (1993).
  5. M.A.A.Cabral, ``30 Life's History of the Maltreatment's Parents'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 351, (1993).
  6. C.Leite, ``Brief psychotherapy and separation anxiety'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 500, (1993).
  7. C.Leite, ``Institutional Psychotherapy Service for University Students'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, 500, (1993).
  8. J.S.Giglio, ``Mental Health of University Students'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 501, (1993).
  9. J.S.Giglio, ``Quality of life, and Mental Health in medical students'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 500, (1993).
  10. D.Caetano, ``Risperidone X Haloperidl Brazilian Results of an International Trial'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 195, (1993).
  11. N.J.Botega, ``Attempted suicide, an compliance to treatment: a preliminary report'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 260, (1993).
  12. P.Dalgalarrondo, ``Religious affiliation an Psychiatric Diagnosis'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 414, (1993).
  13. I.G.Karniol, ``Psicanalise e Farmacoterapia: uma contradicao no lidar com um paciente psicotico?'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 475, (1993).
  14. J.S.Giglio, ``Present situation in Psychosomatic Pathology'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 518, (1993).
  15. E.R.Turato, ``Critical view on the called coronarian personality'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 518, (1993).
  16. M.A.A.Cabral, ``Relevant psycho-social aspect detected in the anamneseis of rheumatoid arthritis patients'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 519, (1993).
  17. M.A.J.Mac Fadden, ``Perenmial allergic rhinits and psychosomatic'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 519, (1993).
  18. R.M.S.Cassorla, ``Anniversty reaction: manifestation of the link mind-bldy'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 519, (1993).
  19. D.Caetano, ``List-D10: a computerized system for multidiagnosis of depression'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 445, (1993).
  20. E.M.Buoncompagno, ``The Adolescence Service at the State University of Campinas'', IX World Congress of Psychiatry, Brasil, 600, (1993).
  21. L.A.M.Guimarães, ``Mental Health and Work in a segmente of the Work Force to the Iron-Ore Mining Industry'', 1993 World Congress, World Federation for Mental Health, Japao, 61, (1993).