``Recording Wildlife in tropical Rainforest'',
4(4), 305-311,
R.P.Martins, T.M.Lewinsohn e J.H.Lawton,
``First survey of bracken feeding insects in Brazil'',
Journal of Tropical Ecology,
C.Strussmann e I.Sazima,
``The snake assemblage of the Pantanal at Poconé, Western Brazil: faunal composition and ecological summary. Stud. Neotrop'',
Fauna Environ,
C.Zamprogno e I.Sazima,
``Vertebrate predation on the neotropical amphisbaenian Leposternon wuchereri'',
Herp. Review,
I.Sazima e G.Puorto,
``The Feeding technique of juvenile Tropidodryas striaticeps: probable caudal luring in a colubrid snake'',