Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. I.Chueri, A.S.Lujan, J.W.Swart, P.H.Tessari e F.C.De Prince, ``SPICE DC Parameter Extraction of MESFET's with Diffused and Grown Channel'', International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structure, Espanha, 6, 163-166, (1993).
  2. R.A.Hamm, A.Feygenson, H.Temkin, M.A.Cotta, Y.L.Wang, L.R.Harriot e D.Ritter, ``Selective Area Epitaxy for Opto-Eletronic Devices'', Mat. Res. Soc. Symp, Estados Unidos, 300, 89, (1993).
  3. R.A.Hamm, S.N.G.Chu, M.A.Cotta, T.W.Staley, H.Temkin, L.R.Harriott e M.B.Panish, ``Evolution of Roughness on InP Layers Observed by Scanning Force Microscopy'', Mat. Res. Soc. Symp, Estados Unidos, 312, 23, (1993).
  4. E.P.Da Silva, W.L.R.Gallo, J.Szajner, E.G.Amaral e C.R.Bezerra, ``State of the art in the use of hydrogen as a automotive fuel'', II Mobility Technology Conference & Exhibit, Brasil, (1993).
  5. M.B.Z.Morosini, N.B.Patel, J.L.Herrera-Perez, M.S.S.Loural, A.C.F.Silveira e A.A.G.Von Zuben, ``Development of Low threshold Current Stripe Lasers from GaInAsSb/GaAlAsSb DH Wafers Emitting at 2.2micrômetro'', Proc. SPIE International Symposia, 1850, 404, (1993).
  6. G.Bezzon e C.A.Luengo, ``Briquetagem de Resíduos Agroflorestais através de Tratamentos à Altas Pressães e Temperaturas'', I Conf. Iberoamericana de Ingenieria Mecanica, Cuba, 3-4, (1993).
  7. R.Brenzikofer, ``Three-Dimensional Reconstruction for Classroom and Laboratory'', XIV Biomechanics Congress, Franca, 216-217, (1993).
  8. R.L.Orlate e R.Brenzikofer, ``Detection of 3D Spinal Curvature and Torsion'', XIV Biomechanics Congress, Franca, 988-989, (1993).
  9. R.M.L.Barros e R.Brenzikofer, ``Sincronization of Registers for 3D Description of Human Movement'', XIV Biomechanics Congress, Franca, 150-151, (1993).
  10. C.Frubõse, K.Doblhofer e D.M.Soares, ``Changes of the Visco-Elastic Properties of Conducting Polymers During Redox-Cycling'', XLIV Meeting of the Int. Soc. of Electrochemistry, Alemanha Ocidental, 65, (1993).
  11. W.Kautek, M.Sahre e D.M.Soares, ``In-Situ Monitoring of Electrochemical Double Layer and ElectroCrystallization Processes With a Quartz Microbalance'', XLIV Meeting of the Int. Soc. of Electrochemistry, Alemanha Ocidental, 84, (1993).
  12. I.Chambouleyron, ``Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells'', Proc. Workshop on Materials Science and Physics of Non-Conventional En, Argentina, 153-160, (1993).
  13. F.C.Marques, M.I.Romeiro e I.Chambouleyron, ``Photovoltaic Training Program at an Undergraduate Level in Brazil'', Proc. XI E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf, Belgica, 1542-1545, (1993).
  14. A.R.Zanatta e I.Chambouleyron, ``Nitrogen Doping in a-Ge:H'', Proc. XI E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf, Belgica, 629-632, (1993).
  15. Z.G.Soos, D.S.Galvão, S.Etemad e S.Ramasesha, ``Photophysics of Light-Emitting Conjugated Polymers'', Spie'93, Estados Unidos, 1852, 274, (1993).
  16. W.L.R.Gallo, E.P.Da Silva, J.Szajner, C.R.Bezerra e E.G.Amaral, ``State of the Art in the Use of Hydrogen as an Automotive Fuel'', SAE Tech. Paper in II Mobility Technology Conference & EXHIBIT, Brasil, (1993).
  17. C.Roy e C.A.Luengo, ``Workshop Report: Process Development and End-Use Applications'', Int. Conf. on Advances in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, Suica, 2, 1359-1364, (1993).
  18. J.L.Silveira, A.C.da S.Walter e C.A.Luengo, ``A Case Study of a Small Cogenerator Using Different Fuels'', II Asian Pacific Int. Simp. on Combustion and Energy Utilization, China, 278-283, (1993).
  19. J.H.D.da Silva, J.I.Cisneros e L.P.Cardoso, ``Crystallization Process and Chemical Disorder in Flash Evaporated Amporphous Gallium Antimonide Films'', Mat. Res. Soc. Symp, 321, 645-650, (1993).