Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional

  1. P.R.Brumatti, S.Doering e Y.Lequain, ``Differential Simplicity, Cohen-Macaulayness and formal prime divisors'', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 84, 1-11, (1993).
  2. R.C.Bassanezi e G.H.Greco, ``On the continuity of fuzzy integrals'', Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 122, 87-91, (1993).
  3. M.C.Matos, ``On multilinear mappings of nuclear type'', Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 6(1), 61-81, (1993).
  4. J.T.M.Ascui, ``Embeddings of Frechet spaces in uniform Frechet algebras'', Portugaliae Mathematica, 50, 171-174, (1993).
  5. Rezende e R.D.Franzosa, ``Lyapunov graphs and flows on surfaces'', Trans. of American Math Soc, 340(2), 767-784, (1993).
  6. O.F.Lopes, D.Henry e A.Perissinotto, ``On the essential spectrum of a semigroup of thermo-elasticity'', Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 21(1), 66-75, (1993).
  7. Alencar, ``An application of Singer's theorem to homogeneous polynomials'', Contemporary Mathematics, 144, 1-8, (1993).
  8. J.B.Prolla, ``The Weierstrass-Stone Theorem in absolute valued division rings'', Indagations Mathematicae, 4(1), 71-78, (1993).
  9. Figueiredo e B.Ruf, ``On the Periodic Fucik Spectrum and a Superlinear Sturm-Liouville Equation'', Proc. of the Royal Soc. of Edinburgh, 123A, 95-107, (1993).
  10. Figueiredo e E.Mitidieri, ``Maximum principles for linear elliptic systems'', Rendiconti dell Inst. di Mat. Trieste, 22, 36-66, (1993).
  11. Figueiredo e R.Chiappinelli, ``Bifurcation from infinity and multiple solutions for an eliiptic system'', Differential and Integral Equations, 6(4), 757-771, (1993).
  12. Figueiredo e J.Gossez, ``Sur la Premiere Courbe du Spectre de Fucik d'un Operateur Elliptique'', C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 316, 1295-1298, (1993).
  13. L.A.B.San Martin, ``Invariant control sets on Flag Manifolds'', Mathematical of Control Signal and Systems, 6(1), 41-61, (1993).
  14. M.A.Teixeira, ``Generic bifurcation of sliding vector fields'', Journal of Mathematical Anal. and Applications, 176(2), 436-457, (1993).
  15. H.H.Torriani e M.Oliveira, ``Journal runs: How to evaluate their completeness?'', The Serials Librarian, 24(2), 73-84, (1993).
  16. A.J.Engler, ``The m-Ordered Real Free Pro-2-Groups: Cohomological Characterizations'', Communications in Algebra, 21(8), 2597-2629, (1993).
  17. J.B.Prolla, ``Uniform approximation: the non-locally convex case'', Rendiconti del Circulo Matematico di Palermo, 42, 93-105, (1993).
  18. J.B.Prolla, ``The Weierstrass-Stone Theorem in absolute valued division rings'', Indagations Mathematicae, 4(1), 71-78, (1993).
  19. F.Mercuri e M.H.Noronha, ``On the Topology of riemannian manifolds with non negative curvature operator'', Rendiconti Univ. di Cagliari, 63(2), 65-69, (1993).