A.J.De Hoyos,
``Qualidade de Vida: Uma visao global e local'',
Resumo Atas da VII Reuniao Latinoamericana do IASI,
R.M.Patucci, O.Marcal Jr, C.C.S.Dias e L.K.Hotta,
``Twelve Years of Schistomiasis Mansoni Control in a Low Transmission Area'',
4 th Inter. Symp. on Schistomiasi,
R.C.C.P.Moran e J.T.Fukushima,
``On Quadratic Forms for Dependent Variables'',
153rd Annual Meeting ASA,
Estados Unidos,
``Testes com alternativas restritas em modelos de riscos proporcionais e logisticos em riscos competitivos'',
Conference on Statistical Inference and Bioestatistics,
J.Giglio e E.H.de F.Marques,
``Quality of Life and Mental Health in Medicine Students'',
World Congress of the World Federetion for Mental Health,
E.M.Zanotti-Magalhaes, L.A.Magalhaes e J.F.de Carvalho,
``Action of Amebocytes in Biomphalaria Tenagophila Genetically Selected for Susceptibility to Schistosoma Mansoni'',
International Symposium on Schistomiasis,
S.M.Allegretti, E.M.Zanotti-Magalhaes, L.A.Magalhaes e J.F.de Carvalho,
``Evaluation of Amoebocyte Phagocytosis Activity in Pigmented Biomphalaria Glabrata Infected with Schistosoma Mansoni'',
Internacional Symposium on Schistomiasis,
L.K.Hotta e P.L.V.Pereira,
``Effect of Outliers on Forecasting Temporally Aggregate Flow Variables'',
V Clapem,
S.M.Allegretti, E.M.Zanotti-Magalhaes, L.A.Magalhaes e J.F.de Carvalho,
``The Effects of the Innoculation of Amoebocits Suspension in Biomphalaria Glabrata Infected Whith Schistosoma Mansoni'',
Internacional Symposium on Schistomiasis,
A.J.De Hoyos,
``On the Problem of Speaker Recognition Using Vowel Analysis'',
Resumo Atas V Reuniao Latinoamericana CLAPEM,
E.M.R.Charnet e D.V.Gokhale,
``Information Theoretic Aproximations to Probability Density Functions'',
Annual Meeting ASA,
Estados Unidos,
L.K.Hotta e P.L.Pereira,
``The Effect of Outliers on the Prediction of Aggregated Values Using Aggregated and Disaggrefated Observations'',
49th Session of the International Statistical Institute,
Italia, 571-572,
E.Gomes, L.C.S.Dias, L.Takaku e G.Stangenhaus,
``Biological and Morphological Characteristics of Schistosoma Mansoni from the Paranapanema Vally (Ourinhos, SP, Brasil'',
4th Internat. Symp. on Schystosomiasis,
C.M.Melo, L.C.S.Dias e G.Stangenhaus,
``Biological and Morphological Characteristics of Schistosoma Mansoni from the Vicinity of Campinas City, SP, Brazil'',
4th Internat. Symp. on Schystomiasis,
V.C.Magalhaes, L.C.S.Dias e G.Stangenhaus,
``Oxaminiquine Resistant Strain of Schistosoma Mansoni from Minas Gerais State, Brazil: Biological and Morphological Characteristics'',
4th Internat Symp. on Schystomiasis,
B.Garcia Negrillo,
``Development of the attributes and panel screening for texture descriptive analysis of milk gels aided by multivariate statistical procedure - second com. issue of food quality and preference devoted to the rose marie pang born symposium'',