R.D.B.Mello Filho e O.Babaouglu,
``Low Cost Clock Synchronization'',
Distributed Computing Journal,
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C.P.de Mello, C.N.H.Figueiredo, C.Ortiz e M.Villanueva,
``Split-Indifference Graphs'',
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J.Stolfi, D.Salesin e L.J.Guibas,
``Constructing Strongly Convex Approximate Hull With Inaccurate Primitives'',
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T.Kowaltowski e C.L.Lucchesi,
``Applications of Finite Automata Representing Large Vocabularies'',
Software - Practice and Experience,
33(1), 15-30,
P.S.de Souza e S.N.Talukdar,
``Designing Organizations for Computer-Based Agents'',
Intern. Journal Eng. Intel. Systems,
1(2), 59-65,
C.M.B.Medeiros e M.J.Andrade,
``Implementing Integrity Control in Active Databases'',
The Journal of Systems and Software, 210-240,