Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. J.Meidanis, ``Dynamic Methods for Fragment Assembly in Large Scale Genome Sequencing Projects'', Proceedings Twenty-sixth Hawai International Conference on System Sci, Estados Unidos, 1, 534-543, (1993).
  2. E.Martins, J.Arlat, Y.Crouzet e D.Powell, ``Validation of Distributed Systems by Fault Injection'', Proc.1ST Int.Workshop on Fault and Error Inj.for Dep. Val.of C.Sys, Suecia, 23-41, (1993).
  3. T.Kowaltowski, C.L.Lucchesi e J.Stolfi, ``Applications of Finite Automata in Debugging Natural Language Vocabularies'', Proc.of the First South Am. W. String Processing, Brasil, 93-103, (1993).
  4. J.Meidanis, ``Rethinking the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem'', First South Amer. W. String Proc, Brasil, 123-134, (1993).
  5. T.Kowaltowski, C.L.Lucchesi e J.Stolfi, ``Minimization of Binary Finite Automata'', Proc.of the First South Amer. W. on String Processing, Brasil, 105-116, (1993).
  6. J.Stolfi e J.Snoeyink, ``Objects That Cannot Be Taken Apart With Two Hands'', Proc. 9TH ACM Annual Symp.on Computacional Geometry, Estados Unidos, 247-256, (1993).
  7. M.L.Cortes e J.da C.Alexandrino, ``Uma implementacao em VLSI para Reconhecimento de Imagens'', VI Conf. Nacional Sobre Int. Artificial Y Sistemas Expertos, Venezuela, 111-125, (1993).
  8. E.Martins, J.Arlat, Y.Crouzet e D.Powell, ``Estimators for Fault-Tolerance Coverage Evaluation'', XXIII Intern. Symp. on Fault Tolerance, Franca, 228-237, (1993).
  9. Rezende e W.R.Jacometti, ``Animation of Geometric Algorithms Using Geolab'', 9th ACM Symposium on Computacional Geometry, Estados Unidos, 401-402, (1993).
  10. Rezende e W.R.Jacometti, ``Video: Animation of Geometric Algorithms Using Geolab'', Proc. 9th ACM Symposium on Computacional Geometry, Estados Unidos, (1993).
  11. C.M.B.Medeiros e Oliveira, ``Modelagem Temporal de Objetos'', XX Clei, Argentina, 1, 15-33, (1993).
  12. M.C.C.Baranauskas, ``Observation Studies about Novices Interaction in a Prolog Environment Based on Tools'', 7th International PEG Conference, Gra-bretanha, 537-539, (1993).
  13. H.V.da Rocha, ``The use of Computational Representations in the Teaching and Leaning Programming Concepts'', Proceedings of the Fourth European Logo Conference, Grecia, 153-159, (1993).
  14. Rezende e W.R.Jacometti, ``Geolab: An Environment for Development of Algorithms in Computacional Geometry'', Proceedings of the Fifth Canadian Conference on Computacional Geometry, Canada, 175-180, (1993).
  15. M.C.C.Baranauskas, ``A Constructionist Approach to the Design of a Logic Programming Environment for Novices'', Proc.4th European Logo Conference, Grecia, 259-267, (1993).
  16. H.V.da Rocha, ``The use of Computational Representations in the Teaching and Learning Programming Concepts'', 4th European Logo Conference, Grecia, 132-144, (1993).
  17. C.M.B.Medeiros, F.Pires e Barros Silva, ``Modelling Geographic Information Systems Using an Object Framework'', XIII International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, Chile, 217-232, (1993).
  18. J.C.Setubal, ``New Experimental Results for Bipartite Matching'', Proceedings of Netflow93, Italia, 211-216, (1993).
  19. O.Anido e Oliveira, ``Browsing and Queryng in Objetc-Oriented Databases'', 2nd ACM Int.Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Estados Unidos, 364-373, (1993).
  20. C.M.B.Medeiros e G.Jomier, ``Managing Alternatives and Data Evolution'', ACM/ISCA Workshop on Advances in Geographic Inf.Systems, Estados Unidos, 36-39, (1993).