Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional

  1. M.Z.M.Abbas, R.E.Bruns, I.S.Scarminio e J.R.Ferreira, ``A multivariate statistical analysis of the composition of rainwater near Cubatão, SP, Brazil'', Environm. Pollution, 79, 225-233, (1993).
  2. Andrade, R.E.Bruns e P.Eiras, ``Catalytic determination of molybdenum(VI) in plants using mono-segmented continuous-flow analysis and spectrophotometric detection'', Analyst, 118, 213-217, (1993).
  3. T.D.Z.Atvars, E.Sabadini e S.M.Martins, ``Study of secondary relaxations of polyethylene by photoluminescence technique'', European Polymer Journal, 29(9), 1259-1264, (1993).
  4. C.Blicke, K.V.Peinemann e S.P.Nunes, ``Ultrafiltration membranes of PESA/PEI'', J. Membrane Sci, 79, 83-91, (1993).
  5. R.Custodio e J.D.Goddard, ``Can the linear combination of atomic orbital coefficients (the weight function) be used to improve the wave function'', Journal Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 281, 75, (1993).
  6. H.P.Diogo, A.Simoni, M.E.Minas da Piedade, A.R.Dias e J.A.M.Simoes, ``Thermochemistry of zirconium and niobium organometallic compounds'', J. Am. Chem. Soc, 115, 2764-2774, (1993).
  7. M.C.A.A.Esperidiao e F.Galembeck, ``Precipitation of polypropylene and of high-density polyethylene from stirred, binary solutions'', European Polymer Journal, 29(7), 987-991, (1993).
  8. M.C.A.A.Esperidiao e F.Galembeck, ``Polypropylene-(high density polyethylene) precipitation from stirred solutions'', European Polymer Journal, 29(7), 993-997, (1993).
  9. M.M.C.Ferreira, ``Population analysis from atomic polar tensors?'', Journal Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 294, 75-78, (1993).
  10. S.P.Gido, E.L.Thomas e C.Goncalves, ``Observation of a non-constant mean curvature interface in an ABC triblock copolymer'', Macromolecules, 26(10), 2636-2640, (1993).
  11. C.Goncalves e F.Galembeck, ``Counterion fractionation in the osmosedimentation of polyelectrolytes'', Sep. Sci. Technol, 28(5), 1145-1155, (1993).
  12. Y.Hase, R.Forneris e S.C.da Silva, ``Molecular force field of methanol'', Spectrosc. Lett, 26(8), 1497-1510, (1993).
  13. O.Lima e F.Galembeck, ``Particles of aluminum metaphosphate containing closed pores. Preparation, characterization and optical properties'', Colloids Surf, 75, 65-75, (1993).
  14. W.Loh e P.L.O.Volpe, ``Diffusion coefficients of aqueous phenols determined by the Taylor dispersion technique'', J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. I, 89(1), 113-118, (1993).
  15. S.M.Martins e T.D.Z.Atvars, ``Photoluminescence study of beta relaxation of polyethylene blends'', Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Chemistry Edition, 50, 1591-1599, (1993).
  16. H.P.Martins Filho, R.E.Bruns e E.Suto, ``Principal component analyses of the methyl chloride, bromide and iodile polar tensors'', Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97, 4354-4359, (1993).
  17. A.Medina Neto, F.Gandra, J.A.Romano, A.C.R.M.Cortez, E.C.da Silva, S.Gama, F.Galembeck, H.Vargas e S.A.Nikitov, ``Conventional and photothermally modulated ferromagnetic resonance investigations of a Nd2Fe17 powder sample'', J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 128, 101, (1993).
  18. J.B.M.Novo e F.B.T.Pessine, ``Time-resolved luminescence spectroscopy: computer interfacing and software development for a boxcar based laser-luminescence spectrometer'', Appl. Spectrosc, 47(12), 6829, (1993).
  19. P.R.Olivato, S.A.Guerrero, J.C.D.Lopes, Y.Hase, I.W.J.Still e D.K.T.Wilson, ``Electronic interactions studies of trans-3-(2'-chloro- cyclopentylthio)- and E-3-(2'-chloro-1'-methylpropen-1' -ylthio)-thiochromones and their 3-sulfinyl and 3-sulfonyl derivatives'', Phosphorous, Sulfur, and Silicon, 82, 7-24, (1993).
  20. D.F.Siqueira, R.E.Bruns e S.P.Nunes, ``Optimization of polymer blends using statistical mixture analysis'', Polym. Networks Blends, 3(2), 63-69, (1993).
  21. D.F.Siqueira e S.P.Nunes, ``Compatibilization of PVDF/SP blends with styrene and methyl methacrylate random and blockcopolymer'', Polym. Networks Blends, 8(1), 45-50, (1993).
  22. E.Suto, H.P.Martins Filho e R.E.Bruns, ``A principal component analysis of the methyl fluoride polar tensors'', Journal Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 282, 81-89, (1993).
  23. E.Suto, M.N.Ramos e R.E.Bruns, ``Principal component analysis of the cis- and trans- difluoroethylene polar tensors'', Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97, 6161-6166, (1993).
  24. Y.Takahata, ``Excited states of uracil and related molecules studied with HAM/3'', Journal Mol. Struct. (Theochem), 283, 289-303, (1993).
  25. M.M.Takayasu e F.Galembeck, ``Polystyrene latex coagulation: a study using centrifugation in density gradients'', J. Colloid Interface Sci, 155, 16-22, (1993).
  26. O.Teschke, C.Goncalves e F.Galembeck, ``Etching technique for transmission electron microscopy observation of nanostructure of visible luminescent porous silicon'', Applied Physics Letters, 63(10), 1348-1350, (1993).
  27. O.Teschke, M.U.Kleinke e F.Galembeck, ``Buckling of anodic films on aluminum. Determination of plastic deformation energy of coatings'', J. Electrochem. Soc, 140(6), 1667-1671, (1993).
  28. J.G.R.Tostes, P.R.Seidl, K.Z.Leal e R.E.Bruns, ``Principal component analysis of the 13C NMR shifts of norbornyl derivatives. II - Tetracuclic dodecane derivatives'', Magn. Reson. Chem, 31, 247-253, (1993).