M.L.Gigante e S.M.Roig,
``Production of Brazilian Imitation Cheese with a Partiality Hidrogenated Vegetable Fat'',
6th International Congress on Engineering and Food,
J.de A.F.Faria,
``Effect of temperature and pressure on the ermeation of carbon dioxide in polyethylene terephtalate bottles'',
World Conference on Packaging (IAPRI),
Brasil, 834-845,
J.de A.F.Faria,
``Effec of ultraviolet absorber in polyethylene terephtalate packages for edible oils'',
World Conference on Packaging (IAPRI),
Brasil, 861-868,
C.A.R.Anjos, A.J.R.Albuquerque, J.de A.F.Faria e E.J.E.Atencia,
``Prototype for the application of polyninylidene chroride on polyethylene terephtalate reform to produce packages'',
World Conference on Packaging (IAPRI),
Brasil, 390-399,