Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. L.C.M.Carrera e R.C.Santana, ``Photochemical synthesis of polypyrrole in microporous poly(Vynilidene Fluoride) membranes: A new method to obtain conducting composites with special surfaces properties'', European Polymer Federation Symposium on Polymeric Materials, Suica, 285, (1994).
  2. I.L.Garcia, M.Batiston e L.H.I.Mei, ``Modification of polyethylene for biomedical use'', V European Polymer Federation Symposium on Polymeric Materials, Suica, 234, (1994).
  3. L.H.I.Mei, V.L.Covolan e J.A.Sanjurjo, ``Synthesis of microspheres of polystyrene for use in immunological assays: functionalization and characterization'', IV European Polymer Federation Symposium on Polymeric Materials, Suica, 234, (1994).