Artigos publicados em revistas especializadas de circulação internacional

  1. V.Baranauskas, A.Peled, V.J.T.Airoldi, C.A.S.Lima, I.Doi e E.J.Corat, ``Morphological Studies of Laser Etching Process in Self Sustained CVD Diamond Wafers'', Applications of Surface Science, 79, 129-135, (1994).
  2. A.Peled, Y.Zloof, V.Baranauskas e J.Farhadyan, ``The midrange and high temperature dependence of vacuum deposited NiCr thin film resistors'', Vacuum, Technology Applications & Ion Physics, 45(1), 5-10, (1994).
  3. A.Peled, V.Baranauskas, V.J.Trava-Airoldi, E.J.Corat, C.A.S.Lima e I.Doi, ``Morphological studies of laser etching processes in self sustained CVD diamond wafers'', Applications of Surface Science, 79(80), 129-135, (1994).
  4. M.Braga, V.Baranauskas e A.Peled, ``Laser induced photodeposition of gold upon silicon substrates immersed in electrolitic solutions'', Applications of Surface Science, 79(80), 375-380, (1994).
  5. M.C.V.Lopes, C.M.Hasenack e V.Baranauskas, ``Numerical calculations of the electrical effects induced by structural imperfections on MOS capacitors'', Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 141(6), 1621-1628, (1994).
  6. V.Gryvyskas, C.R.Rodrigues, P.Basmaji e V.Baranauskas, ``Atomic force microscopy studies on various type porous silicon'', International Journal of Optoelectronics, 9(4), 303-309, (1994).
  7. V.Baranauskas, A.K.Mesquita Braga e A.Peled, ``Laser induced photodeposition of gold upon silicon substrates immersed in eletrolitic solutions'', Applications of Surface Science, 79, 375-380, (1994).