Capítulos de livros publicados no exterior

  1. P.P.A.Funari, ``Rescuing ordinary people's culture: museuns, material cul- ture and education in Brazil'', ``The presented rast, heritage, museuns and education'', Editora: Routledge n, Pags 120-136, Inglaterra, Reino Unido, (1994).
  2. P.P.A.Funari, ``L'huile et l'economie de la Bretagne Romaine'', ``Recherches bresiliennes'', Editora: Universite de Besancon, Pags 95-115, Besancon, Franca, (1994).
  3. C.H.M.Batalha, ``La fete international du premier mai au Bresil (1891-1930) symboles et rituels'', ``Idem'', Editora: Editions de l, Atelier/ Editions Ouvrier, Pags 423-430, Paris, Franca, (1994).
  4. E.S.De Decca, ``Immigrants in Brazil: Tension and cultural Identity'', ``Latinos in the making of the United States of America: Yest erday, today, and tomorrow'', Editora: New York State Educacional Departament, Pags 895-910, New York, Estados Unidos, (1994).
  5. C.H.M.Batalha, ``La fete internationale do premier mai au bresil, 1891-1930:symboleset rituels'', (1994).