Artigos publicados em revistas especializadas de circulação internacional

  1. M.L.S.Queiroz, R.C.R.Perlingeiro, C.Bincoletto, M.Almeida, M.P.Cardoso e D.C.M.Dantas, ``Immunoglobulin levels and cellular immune function in lead exposed workers'', International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology, 16(1), 115-128, (1994).
  2. A.Lobo de Araujo, ``Acidic phospholipase A2 from Bothrops lanceolatus venom: purification and molecular enzymatic and pharmacological properties'', Toxicon, 32(9), 1069-1081, (1994).
  3. M.L.S.Queiroz, F.F.Costa, C.Bincoletto, R.C.R.Perlingeiro, D.C.M.Dantas, M.P.Cardoso e M.Almeida, ``Engulfment and killing capabilities of neutrophils and phagocytic splenic function in persons occupationally exposed to lead'', International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 16(3), 239-244, (1994).
  4. E.Antunes, C.M.M.Giraldelo, A.Zappellini, M.N.Muscara, I.M.S.De Luca, S.Hyslop, G.Cirino, R.Zatz e Nucci, ``Effects of arginine analogues on rat hind paw oedema and mast cell activation in vitro'', European J. Pharmacology, 257, 87-93, (1994).
  5. Nucci, D.M.Grassi-Kassisse, E.Antunes, E.V.Sancho e P.G.Withrington, ``The effects and molar potency of iloprost, U 46619 and sodium nitroprusside on capsular and vascular smooth muscle of the isolated perfused canine spleen'', Prostoglandins Leukatrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 51, 431-435, (1994).
  6. Nucci, D.M.Grassi-Kassisse, E.Antunes e P.G.Withrington, ``Modulation by endogenous prostanoids of the vasoconstrictor activity of endothelin-1 in the canine isolated, perfused spleen'', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 113, 675-680, (1994).
  7. Nucci, R.A.B.Lopes-Martins, E.Antunes, M.L.Oliva, C.Sampaio e J.Burton, ``Pharmacological characterization of rabbit corpus cavernosum relaxation mediated by tissue kallikrein-kinin system'', British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 113, 81-86, (1994).
  8. Nucci, J.L.Donato, M.D.Nogueira, S.Marcondes, E.Antunes, H.B.Nader e C.P.Dietrich, ``Kinetic of chondroitin 4-sulfate release from platelets and its relation with TxA2 formation and granule secretion'', Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 27, 2163-2167, (1994).
  9. Nucci, G.B.B.Mendes, L.M.Franco, R.A.Moreno, A.F.Goncalves e M.N.Muscara, ``Comparative bioavailability of two suspension formulations of potassium diclofenac in normal healthy volunteers'', International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology, 32, 131-135, (1994).
  10. Nucci, C.K.Fujihara, S.M.Michellazzo e R.Zatz, ``Sodium excess aggravates hypertension and renal parenchymal injury in rats with chronic NO inhibition'', American Journal of Physiology, 266, 697-705, (1994).
  11. M.L.S.Queiroz, R.C.R.Perlingeiro, D.C.M.Dantas, J.M.A.Bizzacchi e E.M.De Capitani, ``Immunoglobulins levels in workers exposed to inorganic mercury'', Pharmacology and Toxicology, 74, 72-75, (1994).
  12. M.L.S.Queiroz e R.C.R.Perlingeiro, ``Polymorphonuclear phagocytosis and killing in workers exposed to inorganic mercury'', International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 16, 1011-1017, (1994).
  13. Nucci, E.C.T.Landucci, A.Condino-Neto, A.C.Perez, S.Hyslop, J.C.Novello, S.Marangoni, B. Oliveira e E.Antunes, ``Crotoxin indues human washed platelet aggregation'', Toxicon, 32, 217-226, (1994).
  14. Nucci, J.Pedrazzoli, Jr, A.F.N.Magalhaes, J.G.P.Ferraz e M.Trevisan, ``Triple therapy with sucralfate is not effective in eradicating Helicobacter and does not reduce ulcer relapse rates'', American Journal of Gastroenterology, 89, 1501-1504, (1994).
  15. Nucci, ``Effect of arginine analogues on rat hind paw oedema and mast cell activation in vitro'', European J. Pharmacology, 257, 87-93, (1994).
  16. R.C.R.Perlingeiro e M.L.S.Queiroz, ``Polymorphonuclear phagocytosis and killing in workers exposed to inorganic mercury'', International Journal of Immunopharmacology, 16, 1011-1017, (1994).