Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. F.Berzin, ``Study of the arm muscles in flexion and extension movements'', Federative International Congress of Anatomy, Portugal, (1994).
  2. F.Berzin, ``Electromyography study of sternohyoideus muscle in the speech and functional movements'', Federative International Congress of Anatomy, Portugal, (1994).
  3. M.Vitti, ``EMG study of vastus medialis oblique muscle in the hip adduction exercises'', Federative International Congress of Anatomy, Portugal, (1994).
  4. M.Vitti, ``Effect of step on and step down exercises on EMG activity of vastus medialis oblique and vastus lateralis muscles'', Federative International Congress of Anatomy, Portugal, (1994).
  5. F.Berzin, ``Study of the erector spinae muscle on a roman table'', World Congress of Biomechanics, Alemanha, (1994).