Resumos publicados em anais de simpósios nacionais

  1. S.S.Maria e M.L.F.Wada, ``Contraction of collagen gel by cultured Vero cells'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 74, (1994).
  2. P.S.Villamaior, S.R.Taboga, C.Vidal e Carvalho, ``Elastic and elastic-related fibers in the normal and involuting rat ventral prostate'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 135, (1994).
  3. Carvalho e C.Vidal, ``Polarized light analysis of the distal region of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon of the adult cow'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 28, (1994).
  4. D.Z.Covizi, Carvalho, L.Gomes e E.R.Pimentel, ``Non-Collagenous proteins and small proteoglycans of three regions of the rat flexor digitorum profundus tendon'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 34, (1994).
  5. E.R.Pimentel e Carvalho, ``Small proteoglycans and non-collagenous glyco-proteins in different regions of the deep flexor digital tendons of the chicken'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 97, (1994).
  6. Carvalho, ``Structure and proteoglycan composition of a sesamoid in the elastic tendon of the chicken'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 27, (1994).
  7. L.Gomes e Carvalho, ``Proteoglycans and non-collagenous glycoproteins in the elastic tendon of the chicken'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 48, (1994).
  8. M.A.Marretto Esquisatto, E.R.Pimentel e L.Gomes, ``Analysis of ultracentrifugation fractions of Guanidine extracts from different regions from bovine knee articular cartilage'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 37, (1994).
  9. F.Langone, A.L.R.Oliveira e C.Vidal, ``Peripheral nerve regeneration through polyetilene tubes filled with collagen type I in vivo: effects of collagen aggregation state'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 60, (1994).
  10. M.Smolka e E.R.Pimentel, ``The effect of PBS on the extraction of extracellular matrix components of chicken sternal cartilage'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, 116, (1994).