Participação em eventos

  1. E.R.Pimentel, ``Analysis of ultracentrifugation fractions of Guanidine extracts from different regions from bovine knee articular cartilage'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis.
  2. E.R.Pimentel, ``Proteoglycans and non-collagenous matrix proteins composition of bovine knee cartilage regions wich receive different biomechanical forces'', XXIII Reuniao Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular, Caxambu.
  3. M.L.F.Wada, ``Contraction of collagen gel by cultured Vero cells'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis.
  4. M.L.S.Mello, ``Areas AgNOR-positivas e ribonucleoproteicas em celulas politenicas de Muscina stabulans'', 40 Congresso Nacional de Genetica, Caxambu.
  5. M.L.S.Mello, ``Complexos DNA-proteina de espermatozoides de Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera:Apoidea): dados citoquimicos'', I Encontro sobre Abelhas, Ribeirao Preto.
  6. M.L.S.Mello, ``Critical electrolyte concentration(CEC) of DNA-protein complexes differing in histone composition'', XXIII Reuniao Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular, Caxambu.
  7. S.M.R.Pimentel, ``Areas AgNOR-positivas e ribonucleoproteicas em celulas politenicas de Muscina stabulans'', 40 Congresso Nacional de Genetica, Caxambu.
  8. C.Vidal, ``Basofilia e concentracao critica de eletrolitos (CEC) em espermatozoides com diferente composicao em proteinas basicas'', 40 Congresso Nacional de Genetica, Caxambu.
  9. C.Vidal, ``Cytochemistry, DNA amount and morphometric determinations in BHK21 cells under opoptosis'', II Reuniao da Sociedade Brasileira de Mutagenese, Carcinogenese e Teratogenese Ambiental, Gramado.
  10. C.Vidal, ``Peropheral nerve regeneration through polyetilene tubes filled with collagen type I in vivo: effects of collagen aggregation state'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis.
  11. C.Vidal, ``Collagen type I forms different supramolecular assemblies in the tension and compression regions of the bullfrog tendon'', XXIII Reuniao Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular, Caxambu.
  12. L.Gomes, ``Analysis of ultracentrifugation fractions of Guanidine extracts from different regions brom bovine knee articular cartilage'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis.
  13. L.Gomes, ``Proteoglycans and non-collagenous matrix proteins composition of bovine knee cartilage regions wich receive different biomechanical forces'', XXIII Reuniao Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular, Caxambu.
  14. Carvalho, ``Elastic and related fibers in the normal and involuting rat ventral prostate'', III Simposio Brasileiro Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis.
  15. Carvalho, ``Non-collagenous proteins and small proteoglycans of three regions of the rat flexor digitorum prfundus tendon'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extyracelular, Caxambu.
  16. Carvalho, ``Elastic and elastic-related fibers in the normal involuting rat ventral prostate'', III Simposio sobre Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis.
  17. Carvalho, ``Collagem type I Forms different supramolecular assemblies in the tension and compression regions of the bullfrog tendon'', XXIII Reuniao Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquimica e Biologia Molecular, Caxambu.
  18. E.R.Pimentel, ``Non-Collagenous proteins and small proteoglycans of three regions of the rat flexor digitorum profundus tendon'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis.
  19. M.A.H.Dolder, ``Nuclear alterations during spermiogenesis of Triatoma infestans'', 7th International Symposium on Spermatology, Cairns.
  20. M.A.H.Dolder, ``Localizacao de sitios de ATPase no axonema do espermatozoide e de Triatoma infestans, com informacoes de analise de imagem'', Workshop sobre Espermatogenese de Invertebrados, Siena.
  21. M.A.H.Dolder, ``Structure of ATPase distribution in the spermatozoon axoneme of Triatoma infestans investigated by image processing techniques'', World Conghress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro.
  22. M.L.S.Mello, ``Adequacy of the video system for the evaluation of chromatin texture image features in ras transformed cells'', 3rd Conference of the European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology, Grenoble.
  23. M.L.S.Mello, ``Cytochemistry and polarization microscopy of sperm cell nuclei presumed to differ in basic protein composition'', 7th International Symposium on Spermatology, Cairns.
  24. M.L.S.Mello, ``Changes in Fuelgen-DNA content and chromatin supraorganization in nurse cells through the oogenesis of Chrysomya putoria(Diptera,Calliphoridae)(Wiedmann, 1830)'', III International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph.
  25. C.Vidal, ``Ros 17/27 osteosarcoma cell line as a model for malignant cell characteristics high resolution image analysis (HRIA)'', 3rd Conference of the European Society of Analytical Cellular Pathology, Grenoble.
  26. C.Vidal, ``Cytochemistry and polarization microscopy of sperm cell nuclei presumed to differ in basic protein composition'', 7th International Symposium on Spermatology, Cairns.
  27. C.Vidal, ``Elastic and elastic related fibers in the normal and involuting rat ventral prostate'', III Simposio Brasileiro de Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis.
  28. L.Gomes, ``Non-Collagenous proteins and small proteoglycans of three regions of the rat flexor digitorum profundus tendon'', III Simposio Brasileiro sobre Matriz Extracelular, Angra dos Reis.