Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. D.Falkenstein, C.R.Burrow, J.T.Norman, P.Hartz e P.D.Wilson, ``Abnormalities in membrane protein polarity enzyme and ion secretion in human autosomal recessive kidney disease epithelia in vivo and in vitro'', 27th Meeting of the Am. Society of Nefrology, Estados Unidos, (1994).
  2. P.D.Wilson, D.Falkenstein, L.Gatti, L.Racusen e C.R.Burrow, ``NaK-ATPase isoform expression patterns provide a mechanism for apical membrane localization in human fetal kidneys and in autosomal dominant polycystic disease'', 27th Meeting of the Am. Society of Nefrology, Estados Unidos, (1994).
  3. C.R.Burrow, S.Tucker, D.Falkenstein e P.D.Wilson, ``Collecting duct epithelial cell kdn-l expression in the human metanephric kidney'', 27th. Meeting of the Am. Society of Nephrology, Estados Unidos, (1994).
  4. F.K.Marcondes, M.L.V.Rodrigues e R.C.Spadari, ``Relationship between adrenaline sensitivity, corticosterone plasma level and estrous cycle in rat'', XIIth Int. Congress of Pharmacology, Canada, (1994).
  5. F.K.Marcondes e R.C.Spadari, ``Stress-induced subsensitivity to catecholamines depends on the estrous cycle phase'', XIIth Int. Congress of Pharmacology, Canada, (1994).
  6. A.Zanesco e R.C.Spadari, ``Sensitivity to catecholamines time-course in right atria from sinoaortic denervated rats'', XIIth Int. Congress of Pharmacology, Canada, (1994).
  7. R.Golfetti, L.E.B.Martins, R.C.Spadari e L.Gallo Junior, ``Inotropic Adaptations on Rats Sumitted To Swimming'', Aps Inters.Meeting: Regul., Integration, Adapt.: a Species Approach, Estados Unidos, (1994).