Artigos publicados em revistas especializadas de circulação internacional

  1. Y.I.Stozhkov, J.Zullo Junior, G.Q.Pellegrino e H.Silveira Pinto, ``Rainfalls During Great Forbush-Decreases and Powerful Solar Flare Events'', Il Nuovo Cimento, 1, (1994).
  2. C.J.Marur, L.Sodek e A.C.N.Magalhães, ``Free amino acids in leaves of cotton plants under water deficit'', Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal, 6, 103-108, (1994).
  3. P.Mazzafera, ``Caffeine, theobromine and theophylline distribution in Ilex paraguaryensis'', Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal, 6, 149-151, (1994).
  4. P.Mazzafera, A.Crozier e G.Sandberg, ``Studies on the metabolic control of caffeine turnover in developing endosperms and leaves of C. arabica and C. dewevrei'', Journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 42, 1423-1427, (1994).
  5. G.M.Dias-Tagliacozzo e I.F.M.Válio, ``Effect of vernalization on flowering of Daucus carota (cvs Nantes and Brasilia'', Revista Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal, 6, 71-73, (1994).
  6. J.I.Fahl, M.L.C.Carelli, J.Vega e A.C.N.Magalhães, ``Nitrogen and irradiance levels affecting net photosynthesis and growth of young coffee plants (Coffea arabica L)'', Journal of Horticultural Science, 69, 161-169, (1994).
  7. R.P.Souza e F.D.A.Pereira, ``Photocontrol of seed germination in Impatiens wallerana Hook f'', Plant Growth Regulation, 14, 249-256, (1994).