Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. S.Moehlecke e Y.V.Kopelevich, ``Quantum Flux Creep in Bi(2)Sr(2)Ca(2)Cu(3)O(10) and its Magnetic Field Dependence'', Conf. Physical and Chemical Properties of New Superconductors, Brasil, (1994).
  2. M.V.Marquezini, M.J.S.P.Brasil, A.A.Bernussi, M.A.Cotta, F.Iikawa, J.A.Brum, R.A.Hamm, S.N.G. Chu, L.R.Harriot e H.Temkin, ``Evidence of Lateral Confinement on Quantum Wells with Tickness Modulation'', 7th Int. Conf. Phys. of Microstructures and Microdevices, (1994).
  3. O.Teschke, ``Spatial Distribution of Oxygen in Anodically-Grown Porous Silicon'', 45th Annual Meeting of the ISE, Portugal, 2, (1994).
  4. E.Ribeiro, I.L.Torriani, F.Cerdeira, M.U.Kleinke e O.Teschke, ``Raman and X-Ray Scattering in Porous Silicon'', VIII Congr. Latino Americano de Cien. de Superf. y sus Aplicaciones, Mexico, (1994).
  5. S.F.Durrant, N.Marçal, S.G.C.De Castro, R.C.G.Vinhas, J.H.Nicola, A.A.Parizotto e V.Baranauskas, ``Spectroscopic and Microscopic Studies of Amorphous Nitrogenated Carbon Films Deposited by PECVD Following Annealing'', VIII Congresso Latinoamericano de Superfícies y sus Aplicaciones, Mexico, (1994).
  6. R.M.Leite de Barros e R.Brenzikofer, ``Three-Dimensional Reconstruction for Human Body Movement'', Meeting of the International Biometric Society, Brasil, 11, 8, (1994).
  7. S.A.Cunha e R.Brenzikofer, ``Ajustment of Functions to Kinematical Data of Human Movement'', Meeting of the International Biometric Society, Brasil, 11, 8, (1994).
  8. L.A.Mercadante e R.Brenzikofer, ``Spatial Orientation of the Human Body'', Meeting of the International Biometric Society, Brasil, 11, 8, (1994).
  9. M.U.Kleinke, ``Chaotic Behavior of Current Oscillations During the Iron Electrodissolution in Sulfuric Acid'', 45th Annual Meeting of the Int. Soc. Electrochemistry, Portugal, 2, (1994).
  10. L.A.Mercadante e R.Brenzikofer, ``Methodology for the Desciription of the Orientation of the Human Body'', World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Brasil, 39a, 108, (1994).
  11. S.A.Cunha, R.Brenzikofer e E.C.Lima Filho, ``Angular Kinematics of the Running from Video Register'', World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Brasil, 39a, 107, (1994).
  12. I.L.Torriani, O.Teschke, M.U.Kleinke e M.C.Gonçalves, ``Skeleton Structure in Porous Silicon'', Sixteenth International Congress, Estados Unidos, A49, 370, (1994).
  13. S.F.Durrant, E.C.Rangel e M.A.Bica de Moraes, ``Structural and Optical Properties of Plasma Polymerized Films from Methanol-Oxygen Mixtures'', VIII Cong. Latinoam. Ciências de Superf. y sus Aplicaiones, Mexico, (1994).
  14. R.P.Mota, E.F.Lucena, R.C.Domingos, S.M.H.O.Cruz e M.A.Bica de Moraes, ``Relashionships Between the Plasma Parameters and the Electrical, Mechanical and Optical Properties of C(2)H(2) Polymerized in an RF Discharge'', 47th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, Estados Unidos, 39, 1470, (1994).
  15. R.P.Mota, M.A.Bica de Moraes e S.F.Durrant, ``Plasma Polymerization of Ethane, Propane and Acetylene: a Comparative Study of the Discharges and Films Composition'', 47th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, 39, 1470, (1994).
  16. Y.V.Kopelevich, S.Moehlecke e J.H.S.Torres, ``Vortex Fluctuations, Flux-Line-Lattice Melting and a Dimensional Crossover in Bi(2)Sr(2)Ca(2)Cu(3)O(10)'', Conf. Physical and Chemical Properties of New Superconductors, Brasil, (1994).