M.C.A.Fantini, I.C.de Faria, R.M.Torresi e A.Gorenstein,
``On the Structural Properties of Eletrochromic NiO(x)'',
Symposium on Electrochromic Materials II,
94-2, 58,
J.M.Zelaya Beljarano, S.Gama, C.A.Ribeiro, G.C.Coelho, S.G.Fries, H.L.Lukas e G.Effenberg,
``Thermodynamic Optimization of the Fe-Nb System and Comparison with Fe-Ta System'',
Klaus Schulze Symposium, 51-70,
V.M.Rosa, M.B.F.Santos e E.P.Da Silva,
``Polymeric Materials fo Water Electrolysis Diaphramns'',
II Simpósio Iberoamericano de Polímeros,
II, 867-869,
D.M.Soares, M.U.Kleinke e O.Teschke,
``Study of the Etching of the H-Passivated Silicon Surface by iR-Free Measurements'',
7th Int. Symposiym on Passivity,
1, 53,