A.Friedlander, M.A.Gomes Ruggiero, J.M.Martínez e S.A.Santos,
``A new globalization strategy for teh resolution of nonlinear systems of equations. RP 04/94, IMECC-UNICAMP, 1994'',
A.Friedlander, J.M.Martínez e S.A.Santos,
``A new strategy for solving variational inequalities in bounded polytopes. RP 02/94 - IMECC-UNICAMP, 1994'',
``A Concepçao de Espaço em Matemática - Dimensao, Topologia e Métrica-(R.P. 70/94 - IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
L.A.B.San Martin,
``Linear Semigroups acting on Stiefel Manifols (R.P. 32/94-IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
R.C.Bassanezi, M.A.Rojas-Medar e H.Roman-Flores,
``Level-Convergence and Fuzzy integral (R.P. 27/94-IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
``Some remarks on the stability of certain tori into homogenous spaces - (M.S.R.I)'',
R.C.Bassanezi, M.A.Rojas-Medar e H.Roman-Flores,
``Level Continuity of Fuzzy integrals (R.P. 39/94-IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
L.A.B.San Martin e C.Braga Barros,
``Chaim Control sets for semigroup actions on homogeneous spaces (R.P. 31/94 - IMECC - UNICAMP)'',
R.H.de L.Pedrosa,
``Isoperimetric regions in cylindrical spaces I. General results (RP-29/94- IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
R.H.de L.Pedrosa,
``Isoperimetric regions in cylindrical spaces II. Classification results (RP-30/94- IMECC/UNICAMP)'',
L.A.B.San Martin,
``On global controllability of discrete-time control systems (R.P. 35/94-IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
L.A.B.San Martin,
``Semigroups in Lattices of solvable Lie groups (R.P.63/94-IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
L.A.B.San Martin e C.J.Braga Barros,
``Control sets on projective spaces (R.P. 67/94 -IMECC-UNICAMP)'',