Artigos publicados em revistas especializadas de circulação internacional

  1. C.M.B.Medeiros e G.Jomier, ``Using Versions in GIS'', Lecture Notes Computer Sciences, 856, 465-474, (1994).
  2. Aragao, A.Hertz e B.Jaumard, ``Local Optima Topology for the K-Coloring Problem'', Discrete Applied Mathematics, 49, 257-280, (1994).
  3. J.Wainer e C.Ellis, ``Goal-Based Models of Collaboration'', Collaborative Computing, 1(1), 17-34, (1994).
  4. C.M.B.Medeiros e M.J.Andrade, ``Implementing Integrity Control Active Databases'', The Journal of Systems and Software, 10(8), 210-240, (1994).
  5. Souza, R.Keunings, L.A.Wolsey e O.Zone, ``A New Approach to Minimising the Frontdth Finite Element Calculations'', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering(111), 323-334, (1994).
  6. J.Snoeyink e J.Stolfi, ``Objects that Cannot be Taken Apart with Two Hands'', Discrete and Comp. Geometry, 12, 367-384, (1994).