Relatórios técnicos

  1. Lucena e H.K.E.Liesenberg, ``A Statechart Engine to Support Implementations of Complex Behaviour - R.T. 01/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  2. C.M.B.Medeiros e A.R.A.Brayner, ``Incorporacao do Tempo em Um SGBD Orientado a Objetos - R.T. 02/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  3. C.L.Lucchesi e M.V.A.Andrade, ``O Algoritmo KMP Atraves de Automatos - R.T. 03/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  4. Mello e J.Meidanis, ``On Edge Colouring Indifference Graphs - R.T. 04/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  5. Souza, C.E.Ferreira, A.Martin, R.Weismantel e L.A.Wolsey, ``The Node Capacitated Graph Patitioning Problem: Formulations and Valid Inequalities - Discussion Paper 4397'', (1994).
  6. C.F.Mendonça Neto, ``A Layout System for Information System Diagrams - Tese de Doutorado'', (1994).
  7. C.M.B.Medeiros e G.Jomier, ``Using Versions in GIS - R.T. 05/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  8. L.E.Buzato, ``Management of Object-Oriented Action-Based Distributed Programs - Tese de Doutorado'', (1994).
  9. Souza, C.E.Ferreira, A.Martin, R.Weismantel e L.A.Wolsey, ``The Node Capacitated Graph Partitioning Problem: A Computational Study - Core Discussion Paper'', (1994).
  10. Souza e H.P.Peixoto, ``Uma Nova Tecnica para o Flow Shop Problem - R.T. 06/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  11. Lucena e H.K.E.Liesenberg, ``Interfaces Homem-Computador: Uma Primeira Introducao - R.T.07/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  12. J.Wainer, ``Reasoning About Anoother Agent Through Empathy - R.T.08/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  13. J.Wainer, ``A Prolog Morphological Analyser for Portuguese - R.T.09/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  14. Lucena e H.K.E.Liesenberg, ``Introducao aos Estadogramas - R.T.10/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).
  15. C.L.Lucchesi e Carvalho, ``Matching Covered Graphs and Subdivisions of K4 and C6 - R.T. 11/94, DCC-IMECC'', (1994).