Resumos publicados em anais de simpósios internacionais

  1. O.L.Alves, A.F.Craievich e L.C.Barbosa, ``In situ synchrotron radiation SAXS study of the kinetics of growth of CdTe nanocrystals in borosilicate glasses'', Int. Conf. Synchrotron Rad. Instrum.S study of the kinetics of growth, (1994).
  2. I.V.P.Yoshida, S.P.Nunes e K.F.Silveira, ``Silica Hybrids with PMMA and Nafion obtained by sol-Gel Process'', 2nd Ibero-American Pol.Sym./ 4th Lat.Am.Pol.Sym./6th Int.Mac.Col, I, 73, (1994).
  3. I.V.P.Yoshida, S.P.Nunes, M.M.Werlang e Araujo, ``Morphology of Poly(silphenylene) and Poly(silfenylene-siloxane) Blends with PPO and PS'', 2nd Ib.-Am.Pol.Sym./ 4th Lat.-Amer.Pol.Sym./ 6th Int.Mac.Col, I, 202, (1994).
  4. I.V.P.Yoshida, R.E.Bruns, M.I.Felisberti e A.N.Rubo Raimundo, ``A Factorial Design of the Effects of Four Variables on Phase Behaviour of PVAc/PDMS IPNs'', 2nd Ib.-Am.Pol.Symp./ 4th Lat.-Am.Pol.Symp./ 6th Int.Mac.Col, I, 395, (1994).
  5. I.V.P.Yoshida, I.M.Baibich, G.D.Zim e H.Rudber, ``Compostos de Silício como Alternativa de Cocatalisadores para a Reação de Metátese de Olefinas Funcionalizadas'', XIV Simpósio Iberoamericano de Catalisis, 3, 1567-1572, (1994).