O.L.Alves, A.F.Craievich e L.C.Barbosa,
``In situ synchrotron radiation SAXS study of the kinetics of growth of CdTe nanocrystals in borosilicate glasses'',
Int. Conf. Synchrotron Rad. Instrum.S study of the kinetics of growth,
I.V.P.Yoshida, S.P.Nunes e K.F.Silveira,
``Silica Hybrids with PMMA and Nafion obtained by sol-Gel Process'',
2nd Ibero-American Pol.Sym./ 4th Lat.Am.Pol.Sym./6th Int.Mac.Col,
I, 73,
I.V.P.Yoshida, S.P.Nunes, M.M.Werlang e M.A.de Araujo,
``Morphology of Poly(silphenylene) and Poly(silfenylene-siloxane) Blends with PPO and PS'',
2nd Ib.-Am.Pol.Sym./ 4th Lat.-Amer.Pol.Sym./ 6th Int.Mac.Col,
I, 202,
I.V.P.Yoshida, R.E.Bruns, M.I.Felisberti e A.N.Rubo Raimundo,
``A Factorial Design of the Effects of Four Variables on Phase Behaviour of PVAc/PDMS IPNs'',
2nd Ib.-Am.Pol.Symp./ 4th Lat.-Am.Pol.Symp./ 6th Int.Mac.Col,
I, 395,
I.V.P.Yoshida, I.M.Baibich, G.D.Zim e H.Rudber,
``Compostos de Silício como Alternativa de Cocatalisadores para a Reação de Metátese de Olefinas Funcionalizadas'',
XIV Simpósio Iberoamericano de Catalisis,
3, 1567-1572,