Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. M.Blanco, J.Blanco, E.Blanco, M.Alonso, A.Rodriguez, U.Moraes-Oliveira, T.Yano e A.Pestana de Castro, ``Comparacion de los Escherichia coli que causan infecciones urinarias en Brasil y Galicia'', VI Congreso Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microb. Clinic, Espanha, (1994).
  2. L.Ward, M.Teixeira, L.Oliveira, G.da A.Fernandes e R.Maciel, ``Is the long-term administration of amiodarone realy dangerous to patients with a abnormal thyroid function test?'', 68. Meeting American Thyroid Association, Inc, Estados Unidos, (1994).
  3. L.Endo, U.Moraes-Oliveira, E.Sakano e M.Bilecki, ``Bacteriology of tonsils in children comparison between normal and pathological'', XXIV Congres Otorrinolarin. y Cirurgia de Cabeza y Cuell, Venezuela, (1994).
  4. Faria, M.Komaromy, L.Fong e A.Cooper, ``An anti-hepatic lypase antibody that does not inhybit lypolysis delays removal and reduces uptake of chylomicron remnants in mice'', 67th Scientific Session of the American Heart Association, Estados Unidos, (1994).
  5. P.Pandolfi, F.Sonati, R.Rivi, F.Grosveld e L.Luzzatto, ``Targeted disruption of the glucose-6-phosphate dehidrogenase gene in mouse embryonic stem cells'', American Society of Hematology - 36th Annual Meeting, Estados Unidos, (1994).