M.A.Teixeira e C.Bommati,
``Topological equivalence of diffeomorphismis and curves'',
Journal of Differential Equations,
118(2), 371-379,
M.da C.Lopes Filho e H.J.N.Lopes,
``Multidimensional Hyperbolic Systems with degenerate characteristic structure'',
Matemática Contemporânea,
8, 225-238,
A.Friedlander, J.M.Martínez e S.A.Santos,
``Solution of linear complementarity problems using minimization with simple bounds'',
Journal of Global Optimization,
6, 1-15,
H.J.N.Lopes e D.R.Adams,
``Weakly elliptic systems of variational inequalities a 2x2 model problem with obstacles in both components'',
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta,
169, 183-201,
P.R.Brumatti e N.R.Rocco,
``On the Subalgebra of polynomials generated by all binomials xn + yn, n a prime number'',
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências,
67(3), 275-282,
``Una cuestion para involucrarse'',
Educación Matemática,
8(1), 100-107,
D.G.de Figueiredo, O.H.Miyagaki e B.Ruf,
``Elliptic equations in RxR with non linearities in the critical growth range'',
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations,
3, 139-153,
J.B.Prolla e S.Navarro,
``Restricted range simultaneous approximation and interpolation with Preservation of norm'',
Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal,
2, 225-235,
``Weighted Inequalities for Vector Operators on Martingales'',
Journal of Mathematical Anal. and Applications,
191, 229-249,
L.A.B.San Martin e O.G.Roccio,
``Discrete semigroup in nilpotent Lie Group'',
Semigroup Forum,
51, 125-133,
A.J.Engler e J.B.Nogueira,
``Cohomological Characterization of Real Free pro-2-Groups'',
Manuscripta Mathematica,
88, 242-259,
R.C.Bassanezi e L.C.Barros,
``A simple model of life expectancy with subjective parameters'',
Kybernetes. The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics,
24(7), 91-99,
M.A.G.Scialom e J.L.Bona,
``The effect of change in the nonlinearity and the dispersion relation of model equation for long waves'',
Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly (The),
3(1), 1-40,
``Semi-lattices of bounded continuous functions'',
Computers & Mathematics with Applications: An International Journal,
30, 183-190,
S.I.R.Costa e M.A.B.Grou,
``La ensenanza de Calculo - una question para involucrarse'',
Educación Matemática,
7(1), 100-107,
``Subharmonic solutions for subquadratic Hamiltonian systems'',
Journal of Differential Equations,
115, 120-145,
E.Silva e D.G.Costa,
``A note on a class of problems with critical Sobolev exponent'',
Differential Integral Equations. An International Journal for Theory and App,
8, 673-679,
M.A.G.Scialom e J.L.Bona,
``On the comparison of solutions of model equations for long waves'',
Matemática Contemporânea,
8(1), 21-37,
J.T.Mujica Ascui e M.Valdivia,
``Holomorphic germs on Tsirelson' space'',
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
123(5), 1379-1384,
O.T.W.Paques, L.A.Moraes e M.C.Zaine,
``Factorization of uniformly holomorphic functions'',
Annales Polonici Mathematici,
60(1), 1-11,
M.I.S.Costa, J.L.Boldrini e R.C.Bassanezi,
``Drug kinetics and drug resistance in optimal chemoterapy'',
Mathematical Biosciences. An International journal,
125(2), 191-209,
M.I.S.Costa, J.L.Boldrini e R.C.Bassanezi,
``Chemotherapeutic treatments involving drug resistance and the level of normal cells as a criterion of toxicity'',
Mathematical Biosciences. An International journal,
125(2), 211-218,
A.Paques e M.Ferrero,
``On R-automorphisms of R [X]'',
Mathematical Journal of Okayama University,
36, 1-13,
M.C.Matos e K.Floret,
``Application of a Khintchine inequality to holomorphic mappings'',
Mathematische Nachrichten,
E.Silva e D.G.Costa,
``On a Class of resonant problem at higher eigenvalues'',
Differential Integral Equations. An International Journal for Theory and App,
8, 663-671,
R.C.Bassanezi e H.E.Román,
``Continuity of Fuzzy Entropies'',
Kybernetes. The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics,
24(4), 111-120,
M.A.Teixeira e C.Gutierrez,
``Stability at infinity of planar vector fields'',
Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Nova Série,
26(1), 57-66,
P.R.Brumatti e A.Simis,
``The Module of derivations of a Stanley-Reisner ring'',
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,
123(5), 1309-1318,
M.A.G.Scialom e F.Linares,
``Asymptotic behavior of solutions of a generalized Boussinesq type equation'',
Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. An Int. Multidisc. Journal,
25(11), 1147-1158,
H.Roman-Flores, M.A.Rojas Medar, R.C.Bassanezi e A.Flores-Franulic,
``On stability of fixed points set of fuzzy contractions'',
Sixth Intern.Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress,
Brasil ,
2, 487-489,
E.Sebastiani Ferreira,
``Mais uma vez: porquê a História da Matemática?'',
Portugal , 43-50,
H.Román-Flores, A.Flores-Franulic, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi,
``On stability of fixed points set of fuzzy contractions'',
Proceedings of International Fuzzy Systems Association Congress,
H.Román-Flores, A.Flores-Franulic, M.A.Rojas Medar e R.C.Bassanezi,
``Sobre um teorema de densidad en espacios de funciones'',
Congresso International de Matemática Capricórnio, Actas 5,
Chile ,
A.O.Chiacchio, J.B.Prolla e M.S.M.Roversi,
``Extension of a Theorem of Ky Fan'',
41 Seminário Brasileiro de Análise,
1, 381-408,
``On the question of coincidence between spaces of multilinear absolutely summing mappings and Hilbert-Schimidt mappings'',
41 Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, 457-472,
S.A.Tozoni e B.Bordin,
``An Inequality for a Vector Valued Extension of the Hardy-littlewood Maximal Operator on the Unit Sphere S'',
41 Seminário Brasileiro de Análise,
1, 359-379,
O.T.W.Paques, D.Garcia, M.L.Lourenço e L.A.Moraes,
``the spectrum of Awu (BE,F)'',
42 Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, 663-667,
J.M.Martínez e S.A.Santos,
``Métodos computacionais de otimização'',
1_a Edição,
Editora: Sbm ,
Pags 1-256,
Impa ,
F.C.Furtado, J.Douglas e F.Pereira,
``The Statistical Behavior of Fluid Instabilities in Immiscible Displacement Subject to Fractal Geology'',
``Mathematical Modelling of Flow Through Porous Media'',
Editora: World Scientific,
Pags 115-137,
New Jersey,
Estados Unidos ,
L.A.B.San Martin,
``Control sets and semigroups in semi-simple Lie groups'',
``Semigroups in Algebra Geometry and Analysis'',
Editora: Walter de Gruyter & Co,
Pags 275-291,
Alemanha ,
M.A.Gomes Ruggiero, J.M.Martínez e S.A.Santos,
``Solving nonsmooth equations by means of quasi-Newton methods with globalization'',
``Recent advances in nonsmooth optimization'',
Editora: World Scientific,
Pags 121-140,
Estados Unidos ,
``Singularities of reversible vector fields (RP-09/95-IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
J.C.de S.Kiihl e C.Guido,
``Some remarks on non-reconstructable tournaments (RP 30/95)'',
M.A.Rosa e A.E.Motter,
``From perplex number to perplex calculus (RP 41/95 IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
``On the homology of manifolds (RP-10/95- IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
I.V.Guadalupe e V.Marenich,
``Some Inequalities for Immersed Surfaces (RP-03/95-IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
``A Refined Estimate on the Size of Concentration Set for 2D Incompressible Inviscid Flow'',
M.A.Rosa e A.I.Shimabukuro,
``On Fadeev's operator anomaly and the generalization of Kac Moody algebras (RP 46/95 IMECC-UNICAMP)'',
M.A.Teixeira e J.Sotomayor,
``Regularization of discontinuous vector fields on a 2-dimensional manifold'',
A.J.Engler e J.Koenigsmann,
``Abelian Subgrupos of Pro-p Galois Groups (RP-60/95- IMECC - UNICAMP)'',