Departamento de Tocoginecologia

Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional especializadas

A.J.A.Diaz Moraguez, A.E.F.Latham, P.Olmos e M.Diaz, ``Bleeding complaints during the first year of NORPLANT implants use and their impact removal rate'', Contraception, 53(1), 91-95, (1996).
A.Bugalho, A.E.F.Latham, L.Jamisse, M.Usfa, E.Maria e C.Bique, ``Evaluation of the effectiveness of vaginal Misoprostol to induce firts trimester abortion'', Contraception, 53(1), 243-246, (1996).
A.E.F.Latham, V.Brache e F.Alvarez, ``Functional life-span of the dominant follicle in pharmacological induced anovulatory cycles'', Human Reproduction, 11(1), 114-116, (1996).
4. Souza, ``Tratamento da neoplasia invasora do endometrio'', Femina, 24(2), 105-110, (1996).
L.G.Bahamondes, N.Marchi, M.L.Cristofoletti, H.M.Nakagava, E.Pellini, F.Araujo e J.Rubin, ``UNIJECT as a delivery system for the once-a-month injectable contraceptive CYCLOFEM(R) in Brazil'', Contraception, 10, 115-119, (1996).
E.E.Hardy, L.G.Bahamondes, M.J.D.Osis, R.G.Costa e A.E.F.Latham, ``Risk factors for tubal sterilization regret, detectable before surgery'', Contraception, 54, 159-162, (1996).
F.Alvarez-Sanchez, V.Brache, F.Thevenin, L.Cochon e A.E.F.Latham, ``Hormonal treatment for bleeding irregularities in Norplant implant user's'', American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 174(3), 919-922, (1996).
A.E.F.Latham, L.Santos, M.Carvalho e C.Grass, ``Post-abortion complications after interruption of pregnancy with Misoprostol'', Advances in Contraception, 12(1), 1-9, (1996).
E.M.A.Freitas Silva, A.E.F.Latham, N.Goncalves, J.Pellegrino Jr, C.Souza e C.Pinto e Silva, ``Prevalence of HIV and Treponema Pallidum infections in pregnant women in Campinas and their association with socio demographic factors'', Revista Paulista de Medicina, 114(2), 1108-1116, (1996).
E.M.A.Freitas Silva, A.E.F.Latham, N.Goncales, J.Pellegrino, C.Souza e C.Pinto e Silva, ``Prevalence of HIV and treponema pallidum infections in pregnant women in Campinas and their association with socio-demographic factors'', Revista Paulista de Medicina, 114(2), 1108-1116, (1996).
R.Knobell, R.Passini Junior e A.E.F.Latham, ``Novas alternativas de conduta frente a suspeita de acretismo placentario'', Femina, 24(5), 435-441, (1996).
V.Brache, F.Alvarez-Sanchez, A.E.F.Latham, L.Cochon e F.Thevenin, ``Effect of preovulatory insertion of Norplant implants over luteinzing hormone secretion and folicular development'', Fertility and Sterility, 65(6), 1110-1114, (1996).
N.M.Koseki, S.F.M.Derchain, M.Jacobucci e L.C.Teixeira, ``Caracteristicas das mulheres com cancer genital e mamario atendidas numa unidade de cuidados paliativos'', Femina, 24(9), 805-810, (1996).
C.A.Petta, D.G.F.Hardy, E.Pimentel, A.J.A.Diaz Moraguez e L.G.Bahamondes, ``The use of vaginal ultrasound to identify Copper IUD at high risk of expulsion'', Contraception, 54(1), 287-289, (1996).
E.E.Hardy, ``Factors often not considered before starting a multicentre trial'', International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and therapeutics, 60(2), 121-123, (1996).
A.E.F.Latham, ``Genero, poder e direitos sexuais e repodutivos'', Femina, 24(7), 661-670, (1996).
J.A.Simões, P.C.Giraldo e A.D.Ribeiro Filho, ``Infeccoes cervicovaginais durante a gravidez'', Femina, 25(10), 885-893, (1996).
B.Tess, C.Granatto, J.Parry, V.Santos, T.Lago, M.Newell, D.Dunn, L.Rodrigues, R.S.F.V.The Sao Paulo Colabo e E.M.A.Freitas Silva, ``Salivary testing for human immunodeficiency virus type 1. Infection in children born to infected mothers in Sao Paulo, Brazil'', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 15(9), 787-790, (1996).
M.S.Costa Gurgel, L.Andrade e A.J.Bedone, ``Microinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervix: histological findings on cone specimens related to the residual neoplasia* on histerectomy'', Pathology, Research and Practice, 46(supp.1), 394, (1996).
R.M.R.Vicentini, A.M.Pinto Neto e E.Lane, ``Cicatrizacao do sitio cirurgico: fisiologia, fisiopatologia e fatores de risco'', Femina, 24(10), 915-918, (1996).
M.S.Costa Gurgel, A.J.Bedone, L.A.L.A.Andrade e Souza, ``Histological factors in conization related to residual tumor in patients with microinvasive carcinoma of the uterine cervis'', Contraception, 1(1), 11, (1996).
S.F.C.Zabaglia, A.M.Pinto Neto, L.H.S.D.C.Paiva, A.O.Pedro, T.Guarisi e E.Lane, ``Correlation between serum lipidic and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women'', Journal of the North American Menopause Society, 3(4), 246-247, (1996).
L.H.S.D.C.Paiva, A.M.Pinto Neto, M.A.Perrotti, S.F.C.Zabaglia, A.O.Pedro, T.Guarisi e E.Lane, ``Influence of osteoporosis risk factors on bone mineral content of climateric women'', Journal of the North American Menopause Society, 3(4), 246, (1996).
