Departamento de Biologia Celular

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

M.L.S.Mello e I.Koseki, ``Nuclear changes in GBK cells infected with viruses of Aujeszky's disease and bovine diarrhea'', 1996 World Congress on In Vitro Biology, Estados Unidos , 32, 59, (1996).
J.P.Joseleau, A.L.Cortelazzo, G.Chambat e K.Ruel, ``Activation of peroxidases from plant cell suspensions y oligosaccharides elicitors'', IV International Symposium on Plant Peroxidases, Austria , 106, (1996).
M.A.Schiavinato, A.L.Cortelazzo e I.M.F.Válio, ``Cytochemical and cytophysical analysis for the detection of starch and proteic material in tuberous roots of winged bean (psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.)'', II Simpósio Internacional sobre Leguminosas, Mexico , 109, (1996).
4. C.Vidal, M.L.S.Mello, L.F.Barbisan, S.S.Maria, J.Russo e M.C.H.Tavares, ``In situ evaluation of apoptosis characteristics by a critical electrolyte concentration assay and Feulgen reaction'', IV Congr. ALAMCTA, Chile , 1, 104, (1996).
5. C.Vidal, M.L.S.Mello, L.F.Barbisan, J.Russo e M.C.H.Tavares, ``In situ` evaluation of apoptosis characteristics by a critical electrolyte concentration assay and Feulgen reaction'', IV Congresso de ALAMCTA, Chile , 104, (1996).
L.F.Barbisan, J.Russo e M.L.S.Mello, ``Effect of the transfected c-Ha-ras oncogene on nuclear and nucleolar parameters in toluidine blue-stained chemically transformed human breast epithelial cells'', IV Congresso de ALAMCTA, Chile , 68, (1996).
L.V.V.Horle, S.M.R.Pimentel, R.F.Bergamo e R.M.P.Avancini, ``Restriction rDNA analysis of three muscoid flies'', VI International Congress on Cell Biology, Estados Unidos , 7, 101, (1996).
A.R.Santos Junior e M.L.F.Wada, ``Effects of fetal calf serum (FCS) and dexamethasone 9Dex) in the expression of collagen IV and fibronectin in Vero cells cultured on collagen I gel'', 6th International Congress on Cell Biology, Estados Unidos , 7, 420, (1996).
S.C.Genari e M.L.F.Wada, ``Fibronectin distribution in transformed cells for nutritional stress (Vero cells)'', 6th International Congress on Cell Biology, Estados Unidos , 416, (1996).
