Departamento de Zoologia

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

1. Amaral Filho, ``Reproduction and development of Camptischium clavipes (Fabricius, 1803) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) under laboratory conditions'', XX International Congress of Entomology, Italia , 1, 550, (1996).
C.E.P.Souza e Amaral Filho, ``Studies of Leptoglossus chilensis concaviusculus Berg, 1892 (Hemiptera: Corcidae) on its natural host plant Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaccae) under controlled laboratory conditions'', XX International Congress of Entomology, Italia , 1, 549, (1996).
J.Vasconcellos N e P.Jolivet, ``Are Brazilian species of Elytrosphaera (Col. Chrysomelidae) an apterous genus, threatened of extinction?'', XX International Congresso of Entomology, Italia , 1, 25-31, (1996).
K.S.Brown Júnior, ``Biogeography, biological diversity, and conservation of insect faunas and their habitats by traditional people in the Neotropics'', XX Congresso International de Entomologia, Italia , 1, 72, (1996).
F.F.F.Ferraz, R.F.Monteiro e J.Vasconcellos N, ``Ecology of gall eith glandular in Cuphes cf. calophylla (Lythraceae) in Brazil'', XX International Congress of Entomology, Italia , 1, 305, (1996).
S.B.Souza, M.M.Martins e E.Z.F.Setz, ``Activity pattern and Feeding Ecology of sympatric masked titi monkeys and buffy tufted-ear marmosets'', 16th Congress, IPS, 19th Conference, ASP, Estados Unidos , (1996).
E.Z.F.Setz, ``Foraging ecology of golden-faced sakis in a forest fragment in central Amazon'', 16th Congress, IPS e 19th Conference, ASP, Estados Unidos , (1996).
C.S.Martins, E.Z.F.Setz e C.Valladares-Padua, ``Time budgets and seasonal variation of diet of Brown howler monkey in a forest fragment in Lenóis Paulista, SP, Brazil'', 16th Congress, IPS e 19th Conference, ASP, Estados Unidos , (1996).
M.E.E.D.M.Habib e G.G.Fagundes, ``Sensitivity of Anagasta kùhniella (Zeller, 1879) (Lepidoptera, Piralidae)and its naturalectoparasite, Habrobracon hebetor (Say, 1836) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)'', XX International Congress of Entomology, Italia , 1, 581, (1996).
H.Z.Fischer, P.N.Patel, S.Greif e T.A.Rodrigues, ``Analysis of litter entomofauna in three distinct habitats in tropical region in Serra Negra, SP, Brazil'', XX International Congress o Entomology, Italia , 1, 104, (1996).
G.G.Fagunes e M.E.E.D.M.Habib, ``Sensitivity of Anagasta kuhniella (Zeller, 1879) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) and its natural ectoparasite, Habrobracon hebetor (Say, 1836) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)'', XX International Congress of Entomolgy, Italia , 1, (1996).
A.V.L.Freitas e K.S.Brown Júnior, ``Systematics and phylogeny of Nymphalidae butterflies (sensu latu) based on juveniles, with an experimental study of the host plant preference'', XX Congress of Entomology, Italia , 1, 53, (1996).
S.C.S.Andrade, V.N.Solferini e M.Farfan, ``Isozimic study of the genetic variability in populations of the ziczac complex (Prosobranchia: Gastrópoda)'', 42th National Congress of Genetics, Brasil , 1, (1996).
M.J.L.Amaral, S.M.Recco-Pimentel e A.J.Cardoso, ``Análise Citogenética em Physalaemus (Anura, Lepdodactylidae)'', IV Congresso Latino-Americano de Herpetologia, Suica , 1, 88, (1996).
15. Souza, M.M.Martins e E.Z.F.Setz, ``Activity pattern and feeding ecology of sympatric masked titi monkeys and buffy tufted-ear marmosets'', XVI Congress of the International Primatological Society, Estados Unidos , 1, 155, (1996).
J.M.E.Vielliard e A.J.Cardoso, ``Adaptação de sinais sonoros de anfíbios e aves a ambientes de riachos com corredeiras'', Actas del II Congresso Latino-Americano de Herpetologia, Venezuela , 1, (1996).
S.L.Carvalho e M.E.E.D.M.Habib, ``Attractive capacity of aggregating pheromone to adults of the cotton bollweevil, Anthonomus grandis, Boheman (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) during between-season period'', XX Internat. Cong. Entomol, Italia , 1, (1996).
E.Z.F.Setz, ``Foraging ecology of golden-faced sakis in a forest fragment in Central Amazon'', XVI Congress of the International Primatology Society, Estados Unidos , 1, 157, (1996).
P.N.Patel e A.T.B.Cecílio, ``Host age preference and functional response in an ectoparasitoid Hebrobracon hetor Say (Hym.: Braconidae)'', XX International Congress of Entomology, Italia , 1, 670, (1996).
P.N.Patel, S.P.Souza e C.M.Silva, ``Michrocharops anticarsiae Gupta (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) as a disseminator of entomopathogenic fungus Nomuraea riley (Farlow) Samson and its effect on the developmental estages of parasitoid'', XX International Congress of Entomology, 1, 670, (1996).
M.V.Macedo e J.Vasconcellos N, ``New biological data on the opterous beetle Elytrosphaera lahtivirtai Béchine (Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae) in Brazil'', XX International Congress of Entomology, Italia , 1, 25, (1996).
