Departamento de Ciência de Alimentos
- 1.
- M.H.Damásio, H.M.Cecchi e T.Benassi,
``Avaliação de Vinhos Brancos Riesling Nacionais Utilizando Perfil Livre'',
I Simpósio Iberoamericano de Análise Sensorial,
I, 96,
- 2.
- M.H.Damásio, T.Benassi e H.M.Cecchi,
``Relação entre Aceitação, Caracterização Sensorial e Composição Físico-Química para Vinhos Brancos Riesling Nacionais'',
I Simpósio Iberoamericano de Análise Sensorial,
I, 97,
- 3.
- C.Santos Guedes,
``Color Enhacement and Stabilization of Anthocyanins With Colorless Phenolic Compounds'',
The 2nd Internat. Symposium on Natural Colors for Food,Nutraceuticals,
2, 96,
- 4.
- D.R.Amaya e M.Sabino,
``Current State of Mycotoxin Analyses in Brazil'',
IX International Symposium of Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins,
1, 290,
- 5.
- L.R.Mendes e P.R.Massaguer,
``Effect of Sporulation Medium and Incubation Temperature on the heat Resistance of Bacillus Stearothermophilus Spores'',
Food Micro'96 16th Intern.Symp.of the Intern.Committee on Food Microb,
- 6.
- D.R.Amaya e N.Bragagnolo,
``Influence of Beef Cattle Breed on the Total Lipid, Cholesterol and Fatty Acid Composition'',
18th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography,
2, 1169,
- 7.
- A.R.P.Scamparini, D.M.Mariuzzo, H.Fujihara e C.T.Vendrusculo,
``Structural Studies of Polyssacharide CV-70'',
Plant Polyssacharides Symposium,
1, 1,
- 8.
- Carvalho e P.R.Massaguer,
``Utilization of Biotest with Spores of Bacillus Subtilis in the Evaluation of the Integrity of Retortable Pouch'',
Food Micro'96 16th Intern.Symp.of the Intern.Commit.on Food Mic.and Hi,
1, 188,