Depto. de Máquinas Componentes e Sist.Intelig.

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

J.A.Pomilio e C.J.B.Pagan, ``Resonant High-Voltage Source Working at Resonance for Pulsed Laser'', IEEE Power Electronics Specialistis Conference, Italia , 2, 1627-1632, (1996).
C.P.Bottura e C.J.Munaro, ``On the Simultaneous Stabilization of Dynamic Systems via Linear Control'', IFAC'96 World Congress, Estados Unidos , G, 465-468, (1996).
A.C.C.Lyra e Y.Burian Junior, ``Synchronous Machine Dynamics Stability Frontiers'', 2nd. Intern. Conf. on non-linear Dynamics,Chaos,...- ICONE'96, Brasil , (1996).
C.P.Bottura e S.A.Augusto Filho, ``A Parameter Plane Approach for State Space Induction Machine Modeling and Control'', 5th Int. Conf. ELETRIMACS 1996: Modelling and Sim. Electrical Machines, Franca , 2, 250-259, (1996).
