Departamento de Engenharia de Materiais
- 1.
- C.K.Suzuki, M.S.Tanaka e A.H.Shinohara,
``Growth and Characterization of Optical Grade Syncthetic Quartz'',
Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE,
1, 66-67,
- 2.
- C.K.Suzuki e A.H.Shinohara,
``Study of S-and-bar Synthetic Quartz by X-Ray Topography'',
Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE,
1, 145-147,
- 3.
- P.R.Mei, M.S.T.Bottesi, R.M.M.G.Sebinelli e A.Perez Filho,
``Educação Continuada na Área Tecnológica da Unicamp'',
Proc.of Internat. Symp. on Continuing Educ. for Technology Development,
1, 9,