Departamento de Termofluidodinâmica

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

M.A.Cremasco, R.Maciel Filho e S.A.Nebra, ``A Model for the Flow of air and Coarse Particles in Cyclones'', International Drying Symposium IDS96, Polonia , A, 291-299, (1996).
C.C.Santana, R.Guirardello, E.A.Miranda e J.M.Cruz, ``Fluidized bed adsorption of insulin using ion exchange and reverse phase interaction'', Fifth World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Estados Unidos , II, 581-586, (1996).
C.C.Santana e A.Thober, ``Radial profile in CFB for B group particles'', Fifth International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed, China , 1, 71-76, (1996).
M.A.Cremasco e A.P.Peres, ``Study of heat transfer in cyclone: correlations proposal to gas/waal heat transfer coefficient'', IX Congresso Nacional de Ingenieria Quimica, Chile , 2, 529-534, (1996).
M.A.Cremasco e A.Papes, ``Diffusion in dilute liquid solution: analysis of correlations and proposal of new expression to evaluate the diffusion coefficient'', IX Congresso Nacional de Ingenieria Quimica, Chile , 2, 547-554, (1996).
M.A.Cremasco e S.Cremasco, ``Laboratorio de ingenieria quimica: desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de enzeñza'', IX Congresso Nacional de Ingenieria Quimica, Chile , 2, 584-589, (1996).
M.A.Silva e S.A.Nebra, ``Numerical simulations of drying in a cyclone in: Strumillo, C. and Pakowski, Z'', X International Drying Symposium - Drying*96, Polonia , A, 357-364, (1996).
R.S.Mohamed, A.P.Pires e G.A.Mansoori, ``Development and application of an analytic theory for the prediction of thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbon-water systems'', 5th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Estados Unidos , I, 91, (1996).
R.S.Mohamed e G.B.M.Neves, ``Reduction of cholesterol in dairy products using supercritical carbon dioxide'', 5th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Estados Unidos , II, 203, (1996).
R.S.Mohamed, T.G.Kieckbusch, G.B.M.Neves e F.H.Socantaype, ``Removal of cholesterol from dairy products using supercritical solvents'', International Solvent Extraction Conference, Australia , 2, 999, (1996).
K.Tannous e H.L.Garcia, ``Prediction of mixing and segregation phenomena of polidispersed particles in fluidized bed'', The 5th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Estados Unidos , VI, 333-337, (1996).
L.M.Maegava e M.G.C.Silva, ``Formação x informação: contribuição de uma metodologia de ensino'', Intern. Symp. on Continuing Eng. Education for Tech. Development, Brasil , (1996).
