Departamento de Matemática Aplicada
- 1.
- A.Friedlander, J.M.Martínez e M.Raydan,
``A new method for large-scale box constrained convex quadratic minimization problems'',
Optimization Methods and Software,
5(1), 57-74,
- 2.
- S.A.L.Pizarro e J.L.Boldrini,
``Stationary solutions for generalized Boussinesq models'',
Journal of Differential Equations,
124(2), 389-406,
- 3.
- M.M.C.Ferreira, W.C.Ferreira Jr e B.R.Kowalski,
``Rank determination and analysis of non-linear processes by global linearizing transformation'',
Journal of Chemometrics,
10, 11-30,
- 4.
- S.M.Gomes e E.Cortina,
``Convergence estimates for the wavelet-Galerkin method'',
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,
33(1), 149-161,
- 5.
- W.M.Vieira e P.A.Letelier,
``Chaos around a Hénon-Heiles-Inspired exact pertubation os a Black Hole'',
Physical Review Letters,
76, 1409-1412,
- 6.
- P.Hubral, J.Schleicher e M.Tygel,
``A unified approach to 3-D seismic reflection imaging - Part: I Basic concepts'',
61(3), 742-758,
- 7.
- H.Roman-Flores, A.Flores-Franulic, R.C.Bassanezi e M.A.Rojas Medar,
``On Level continuity of fuzzy integral'',
Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
80, 339-344,
- 8.
- J.M.Martínez,
``An extension of the theory of secant preconditioners'',
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
60(2), 115-125,
- 9.
- J.M.Martínez,
``Inexact Newton methods for solving nonsmooth equations'',
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
60(2), 127-145,
- 10.
- P.Hubral, M.Tygel e J.D.W.Schleicher,
``Seismic image waves'',
Geophysical Journal International,
125, 431-442,
- 11.
- J.M.Martínez,
``Discrimination by means of a trust region method'',
International Journal of Computer Mathematics,
55(1-2), 91-103,
- 12.
- M.A.Gomes Ruggiero, D.N.Kozakevich e J.M.Martínez,
``A numerical study on large-scale nonlinear solvers'',
Computers & Mathematics with Applications: An International Journal,
32(3), 1-13,
- 13.
- A.B.Engel, E.Massad e P.Pulino,
``Biocybernetics: Fitting the Oxyhaemoglobin Dissociation Curve'',
Kybernetes. The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics,
25(1), 51-60,
- 14.
- A.R.De Pierro e J.Santos,
``Equivalence of regularization and truncated iteration for general ill-posed problems'',
Linear Algebra and its Applications,
236, 25-33,
- 15.
- M.Tygel, J.D.W.Schleicher e P.Hubral,
``A unified approach to 3-D seismic reflection imaging - Part II: Theory'',
61(3), 759-775,
- 16.
- J.Lawrynowicz, W.A.Rodrigues Jr e L.Wojtezak,
``Clifford-algebraical approach to particle lifetimes'',
Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Lódz,
46, 1-7,
- 17.
- J.L.Boldrini e M.A.Rojas Medar,
``On the convergence rate of spectral approximation for the equations for nonhomogeneous asymmetric fluids'',
Applied Mathematical Modelling,
30(2), 123-155,
- 18.
- W.A.Rodrigues Jr, Q.A.G.Souza, J.Vaz Jr e P.Lounesto,
``Dirac-Hestenes spinor fields, in Riemann-Cartan'',
International Journal of Theoretical Physics,
35(9), 1849-1900,
- 19.
- W.A.Rodrigues Jr, J.Vaz Jr e M.Pavsic,
``The Clifford bundle and the dymamics of the superparticle'',
Banach Center Publications,
37, 295-314,
- 20.
- E.A.Notte-Cuello e E.Capelas de Oliveira,
``Generalized Laplace equation for a vector potential'',
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology,
27, 717-724,
- 21.
- W.M.Vieira e P.A.Letelier,
``Chaos around a Hénon-inspired exact pertubation of a black hole'',
Physical Review Letters,
76, 1409-1412,
- 22.
- S.A.L.Pizarro e J.L.Boldrini,
``The Initial Value Problem for a Generalized Boussinesq Model: Regularity and Global Existence of Strong Solutions'',
Matemática Contemporânea,
11, 71-94,
- 23.
- S.M.Gomes e C.A.Moura,
Matematica Aplicada e Computacional,
15(2), 97-98,
- 24.
- W.A.Rodrigues Jr e J.E.Maiorino,
``A unified theory for construction of arbitrary speeds solutions of the relativistic wave equations'',
Random Operators and Stochastic Equations,
4(4), 355-400,
- 25.
- P.Hubral, M.Tygel e J.D.W.Schleicher,
``Geometrical-spreading and ray-caustic decomposition of elementary seismic waves'',
60(4), 1195-1202,
- 26.
- M.A.Rojas Medar e H.Román-Flores,
``On the equivalence of convergence of fuzzy sets'',
Fuzzy Sets and Systems,
80, 217-224,
- 27.
- P.Hubral, J.D.W.Schleicher e M.Tygel,
``A unified approach to 3-D seismic reflection imaging - Part I: Basic concepts'',
61(3), 742-758,
- 28.
- S.Lemos e P.A.Letelier,
``Two families of exact general disks with a central black hole'',
International Journal of Modern Physics,
5, 53-63,
- 29.
- J.Browne e A.R.De Pierro,
``A row-action alternative to the EM algorithm for maximizing likelihoods in emission tomography'',
IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging,
15(4), 687-699,
- 30.
- E.E.O.Torres e M.A.Rojas Medar,
``On the uniqueness and regularity of the weak solution for magneto-micropolar fluid equations'',
Revista de Matemáticas Aplicadas,
17, 75-90,
- 31.
- W.M.Vieira e P.A.Letelier,
``Curvature and chaos in general relativity'',
Classical Quantum Gravity,
13, 3115-3119,
- 32.
- H.M.Yang, J.F.Yamamoto, R.S.Azevedo Neto, A.S.B.Silveira e E.Massad,
``The Use of Quasi-Periodic Phenomenon in Epidemics to Desing a Pulse Vaccination Compaign'',
6, 799-804,
- 33.
- A.R.De Pierro,
``On the convergence of an EM-type algorithm for penalized likelihood estimation in emission tomography'',
IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging,
14(4), 762-765,