Departamento de Física de Estado Sólido

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

R.Luzzi, ``Near Dissipationless Excitation in Biosystems'', 1995 SANIBEL Symposium, Estados Unidos , S/N, 45-47, (1996).
A.R.Vasconcellos e R.Luzzi, ``Information-theoretic approach to self-organization'', Workshop on Complex System, Int. Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasil , S/N, 279-280, (1996).
J.G.Ramos, A.R.Vasconcellos e R.Luzzi, ``An information-theoretic approach to self-organized complexity I: a generalized kinetic theory for nonlinear nonequilibrium phenomena'', Workshop on Complex System, Int. Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasil , S/N, 25-26, (1996).
J.G.Ramos, A.R.Vasconcellos e R.Luzzi, ``An information-theoretic approach to self-orgazined complexity II: a generalized non-classical nonlinear hydrodynamics for nonequilibrium dissipative systems'', Workshop on Complex Systems, Int. Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasil , S/N, 26-27, (1996).
J.G.Ramos, A.R.Vasconcellos e R.Luzzi, ``An information-theoretic approach to self-organized complexity III: informational entropy and a generalized H-Theorem'', Workshop on Complex Systems, Int. Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasil , S/N, 24-26, (1996).
M.A.Tenan, A.R.Vasconcellos e R.Luzzi, ``An information-theoretic approach to self-organized complexity IV: the statistical-thermodynmics criteria for evolution and (In) stability in nonlinear-nonequilibrium dissipative systems'', Workshop on Complex System, int. Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasil , S/N, 30-32, (1996).
M.V.M.Souza, A.R.Vasconcellos e R.Luzzi, ``Complex behavior in polymers I: Frõhlich-Bose-Einstein-like condensation'', Workshop on Complex Systems, Int. Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasil , S/N, 43-45, (1996).
M.V.M.Souza, A.R.Vasconcellos e R.Luzzi, ``Complex Behavior in polymers II: nondecaying Davydovõs soliton-like waves in Frõhlichs condensate'', Workshop on Complex Systems, Int. Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasil , S/N, 48-51, (1996).
S.A.Hassan, A.R.Vasconcellos e R.Luzzi, ``Complex Behavior in carrier system with population inversion: from morphological order to turbulent chaos'', Workshop on Complex System, Int. Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasil , S/N, 31-33, (1996).
L.Lauck, A.R.Vasconcellos e R.Luzzi, ``Complex Behavior in a system of oscillators coupled to a thermal bath: self-amplification of coherent vibrations'', Workshop on Complex Systems, Int. Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasil , S/N, 28-31, (1996).
A.P.Alvarenga, D.M.Rao, J.A.Sanjurjo, E.G.M.Silva, I.L.Torriani, C.Rettori, S.Oseroff, J.Sarrao e Z.Fisk, ``Raman Scattering and Weak Ferromagnetism Studies in Eu(2)CuO(4)'', March Meeting da APS, Estados Unidos , S/N, 143-144, (1996).
F.A.O.Cabral, S.Gama, E.Morais, N.L.Sanjurjo, C.A.Ribeiro e C.C.Colucci, ``Study of the thermal decomposition mechanism of the Fe(17)Sm(2)N(3) phase'', Intermag'96, Estados Unidos , s/n, 5, (1996).
E.Morais, S.Gama, A.Urbano, G.A.Garcia e F.A.O.Cabral, ``Microfurnace thermomagnetic analyser for the -30 C - 1000 C temperature range'', International Magnetics Conference, Estados Unidos , s/n, 3, (1996).
A.Urbano, E.Morais, S.Gama, C.A.Ribeiro e N.L.Sanjurjo, ``Characterization of thin films of the Fe(17)R(2)N(x) phases (R=Pr, Nd and Sm) prepared by sputtering and flash evaporation'', International Magnetics Conference, Estados Unidos , s/n, 11, (1996).
P.Tiberto, F.Vinai, P.Allia e M.Knobel, ``Giant magnetoresistance in melt-spun granular Cu(100-x)Co(x) alloys with correlated magnetics moments'', International Magnetics Conference, Estados Unidos , 1, (1996).
D.G.Pinatti, ``Analytical systematics for the biomass - energy - material (BEM) programe'', Int.C. on Process Related Analytical Chem. in Environm. Investigacions, Brasil , S/N, 301-302, (1996).
D.Hummel, I.L.Torriani, A.F.Craievich e la Rosa-Fox, ``Caracterización de sonogeles de sílice dopados con nanocristales de CdSe'', XXXVI Congreso Nac. de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Espanha , S/N, 57-58, (1996).
D.Hummel, I.L.Torriani, A.F.Craievich e la Rosa Fox, ``Characterization of CdSe nanocrystals embedded in a porous silica sonogel'', X International Conference on Small Angle Scattering - SAS96, Brasil , S/N, 104-105, (1996).
G.Kellerman, F.C.Vicentin, M.Rocha, E.Tamura, A.Carneiro, I.L.Torriani, A.F.Craievich e H.C.N. Tolentino, ``Characterization of the LNLS SAXS Workstation'', X International Conference on Small Angle Scattering - SAS96, Brasil , S/N, 98, (1996).
S.C.Moyses, J.Z.Schpector, C.V.Dalkaine e I.L.Torriani, ``SAXS and WAXS investigacion on annealed low density polyethylene'', X International Conference on Small Angle Scattering, Brasil , S/N, 123-124, (1996).
D.R.Santos, I.L.Torriani, A.Y.Ramos e M.Knobel, ``A small-angle x-ray scattering study on nanocrystalline and amorphous states of the Fe-Cu-Nb-Si-B alloy'', X International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering, Brasil , 1, (1996).
J.J.Lunazzi, ``A new possibility for holographic television'', International Conf. on Holography and Optical Image Processing, China , S/N, 324-326, (1996).
L.Cescato, C.R.A.Lima, L.L.Soares, M.A.R.Alves e E.Braga, ``Diffractive optics produced by holography and RIE'', 17th Congress of the International Comission for Optics, Coreia do Norte , 2778, 193-194, (1996).
S.F.Durrant, N.Marçal, S.G.C.De Castro, R.C.G.Vinhas, J.H.Nicola, A.A.Parizotto e V.Baranauskas, ``Spectroscopic and microscopic studies of amorphous nitrogenated carbon films deposited by PECVD following annealing'', VIII Congresso Latinoamericano de Superfícies y sus Aplicaciones, Mexico , (1996).
