Departamento de Raios Cósmicos
- 1.
- A.K.T.Assis e M.A.Bueno,
``Equivalence of ampère and Grassmann's forces'',
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
32, 431-436,
- 2.
- A.K.T.Assis e P.Graneau,
``Nonlocal forces of inertia in cosmology'',
Foundations of Physics,
26, 271-283,
- 3.
- J.Bellandi Filho, C.A.B.S.Costa e C.G.S.Costa,
``Investigation of the ER-integral distribution for super-families and centauro events'',
Nuovo Cimento C,
19(s/n), 405-407,
- 4.
- M.J.Menon,
``Blackening and expansion in elastic hadron scattering'',
Canadian Journal of Physics,
74(9 e 10), 594-602,
- 5.
- L.Lazutin, P.C.Bezerra, M.A.Fagnani, H.S.Pinto, I.M.Martin, M.G.Silva Mello, A.Turtelli Jr, V.Zhavkov e J.Zullo Jr,
``Surface Ozone Study in Campinas Industrial Region of Brazil'',
Atmospheric Environment,
30(15), 2729-2738,
- 6.
- Y.I.Stozhkov, G.A.Bazilevskaya, I.M.Martin, P.E.Pokrevsky e N.S.Svirzhevskii,
``Cosmic Rays in Asymmetry'',
Journal of Geophysical Research,
101(A2), 2523-2528,
- 7.
- A.F.Martini, M.J.Menon e D.S.Thober,
``Elementary amplitudes in the multiple diffraction theory reexamined'',
Physical Review D,
54(3), 2385-2387,
- 8.
- A.A.Gusev, I.M.Martin, G.I.Pugacheva e A.Turtelli Jr,
``Dynamics of the low altitude energetic proton fluxes beneath the amin terrestrial radiation belts'',
Journal of Geophysical Research,
101(A9), 19659-19663,
- 9.
- G.I.Pugacheva, A.A.Gusev, I.M.Martin, W.N.Spjeldvik e T.Kohno,
``The temporal evolution of 3-9 MeV/nucleon the trapped in the magnetosphere'',
Geophysical Research Letters,
23(20), 2793-2796,
- 10.
- G.I.Pugacheva, A.A.Gusev, I.M.Martin, M.G.Silva Mello e A.Turtelli Jr,
``On the Chaos and Stability Problem in the Trapping of Anomalous Cosmic Ray Heavy Ions by the Earth's'',
Planetary and Space Science,
44(3), 267-271,
- 11.
- Y.I.Stozhkov, P.E.Pokrevsky, J.Zullo Jr, I.M.Martin, V.P.Ohlopkov, H.S.Pinto, G.R.Pellegrino, P.C.Bezerra e A.Turtelli Jr,
``The influence of charged particle fluxes on precipitations'',
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy,
36(4), 211-216,
- 12.
- L.A.P.Martins e R.A.Martins,
``Lamarck's method and metaphysics'',
Jahrbuch fuer Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie,
3, 181-199,
- 13.
- C.G.S.Costa, F.Halsen, J.Bellandi Filho e C.Salles,
``Composition of primary cosmic rays beyond the knee from emulsion chamber observations'',
Physical Review D,
54(s/n), 5558-5561,
- 14.
- M.M.Guzzo, J.Bellandi Filho e V.M.Aquino,
``Neutrino left-right conversion in a locally fluctuating magnetic field'',
Physica Scripta,
54(s/n), 328-331,
- 15.
- J.Bellandi Filho, A.A.Perez Jr, J.Dias de Deus e A.B.Padua,
``Universality tests for total cross section'',
72(S/N), 281-284,
- 16.
- R.J.M.Covolan e J.Montanha N,
``A geometrical approach for diffractive processes at high energies'',
Physical Review D,
53(s/n), 6127-6135,
- 17.
- R.J.M.Covolan, K.Goulianos e J.Montanha N,
``A new determination of the solft pomeron intercept'',
Physics Letters: B,
386(s/n), 176-180,
- 18.
- A.A.Gusev, I.M.Martin, G.I.Pugacheva e A.Turtelli Jr,
``Energetic positron population in the inner zone'',
Nuovo Cimento C,
19(4), 461-468,
- 19.
- J.C.Hadler N, P.J.Iunes, T.C.W.P.Mello, L.M.S.Navia e S.R.Paulo,
``On the nuclear emulsion detection efficiency for alpha particles and fission fragments'',
Radiation Measurements,
26(2), 169-171,
- 20.
- I.M.Martin, A.A.Gusev, G.I.Pugacheva e M.G.Silva Mello,
``Anti-particles in the inner magnetosphere: energetic positron population'',
Geofisica Internacional,
35(1), 73-76,
- 21.
- M.M.Guzzo, O.L.P.Peres, V.Pleitez e R.Z.Funchal,
``Mixing effetcs on the tau-neutrino mass limit'',
Physical Review D,
53(s/n), 2851-2853,
- 22.
- R.A.Martins,
``Sources for the study of science, medicine and technology in Portugal and Brazil'',
Nuncius ; Annali di Storia della Scienza,
11(2), 655-667,