Departamento de Raios Cósmicos
- 1.
- S.L.C.Barroso, Y.Fujimoto, V.Kopenkin, M.Moriya, C.Navia, A.Ohsawa, E.H.Shibuya e M.Tamada,
``Inelasticity distribution of hadron-pd collisions, estimated by thick lead emulsion chambers at the Pamirs'',
XXVth International Cosmic Ray Conference,
Africa do Sul , 33-36,
- 2.
- J.H.Colonia B, M.M.Guzzo, N.Reggiani e P.H.Sakanaka,
``Can be Solar Magnetosonic Waves be Probed by Solar Neutrino Observations?'',
International Conference on Plasma Physics,
Japao , 151-154,
- 3.
- A.F.Martini, M.J.Menon e D.S.Thober,
``Elementary profile functions in multiple diffraction models'',
VIth International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering,
Franca , 121-125,
- 4.
- J.H.Colonia B e M.M.Guzzo,
``Can the solar magnetosonic waves be probed by solar neutrino observations?'',
International Conference on Plasma Physics,
Japao , 151-154,