Departamento de Farmacologia

Resumos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional especializadas

  1. O.Vital Brazil, ``End-plate receptor desensitization induced by snake venom neurotoxins'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 61, (1997).
  2. L.Rodrigues-Simioni, N.F.Heluany, J.C.Cogo, S.R.Zamuner, M.A.da Cruz-Hofling e J.Prado-Franceschi, ``Effects of bothropic venoms on the neuromuscular junction'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 81, (1997).
  3. A.Lobo de Araujo, A.O.De Souza, M.A.da Cruz-Hofling e C.Bon, ``Histopathological alterations induced by Bothrops lanceolatus (Fer de Lance) venom (BLV) in the mouse hind paw'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 85, (1997).
  4. Souza e G.Ribeiro-DaSilva, ``The mouse paw edema induced by staphylococcal enterotoxin a is sex-dependent'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 87, (1997).
  5. S.K.P.Costa, R.Palframan, P.Wilsoncroft, Nucci, S.Hyslop, S.D.Brain e E.Antunes, ``SR140333, a tackykinin NK1 receptor antagonist, prevents the skin oedema induced by Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom in rats'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 101, (1997).
  6. Carvalho, M.M.R.C.Velho, J.Prado-Franceschi e J.C.Cogo, ``Clinical and epidemiological aspects of snakebites in Sao Jose dos Campos and Taubate, SP, Brazil'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 258, (1997).
  7. Y.O.Franco, J.L.Donato, A.C.O.Cintra, J.R.Giglio, J.Prado-Franceschi e L.Rodrigues-Simioni, ``Neutralizing capacity of polyvalent and monovalent antisera against Bothrops jararacussu and Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms and their major toxins'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 236, (1997).
  8. S.R.Zamuner, J.Prado-Franceschi e L.Rodrigues-Simioni, ``Neutralization capacity of commercial bothropic antivenom against the neurotoxic activity of Bothrops venoms'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 241, (1997).
  9. A.L.Franco-Andrade, J.Prado-Franceschi e M.A.da Cruz-Hofling, ``Correlation between the enzymatic activities and morphological effects induced by the venoms of Bothrops alternatus and Bothrops moojeni'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 163, (1997).
  10. Y.O.Franco, J.Prado-Franceschi, M.A.da Cruz-Hofling e L.Rodrigues-Simioni, ``The myotoxic action of crotoxin and bothropstoxin on the mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) preparation'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 161, (1997).
  11. S.R.Zamuner, J.Prado-Franceschi, M.A.da Cruz-Hofling e L.Rodrigues-Simioni, ``Comparative myotoxic activities of bothropic venoms as assessed by enzymatic and histologic assays'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 160, (1997).
  12. J.Prado-Franceschi, ``Convulxin: Retrospective and Perspectives'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 103, (1997).
  13. E.C.Landucci, Castro, M.H.Toyama, S.Marangoni, B.Oliveira, E.Antunes e Nucci, ``Inflammatory effects induced by piratoxin-I, a PLA2 homologue isolated from Bothrops pirajai snake venom'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 167, (1997).
  14. S.K.P.Costa, Nucci, S.Hyslop, S.D.Brain e E.Antunes, ``Cardiac effects of Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom in rats in vivo and in vitro'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 117, (1997).
  15. Nucci, C.E.Teixeira, A.C.Bento, R.A.B.Lopes-Martins, V.R.D.von Eickstedt e E.Antunes, ``Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom relaxes the isolated rabbit corpus cavernosum by activating nitrergic nerves'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 112, (1997).
  16. M.A.da Silva, J.O.da Silva, S.Hyslop e J.Prado-Franceschi, ``Partial characterization from Bothrops jararacussu venom of a protein immunologically similar to crotoxin'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 159, (1997).
  17. J.O.da Silva, M.A.da Silva, S.Hyslop e J.Prado-Franceschi, ``The distribution in Bothrops venoms of proteins immunologically similar to crotoxin'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 158, (1997).
  18. S.Hyslop, ``Occurrence in Bothrops venoms of proteins immunologically related to crotoxin: partial characterization of one component from Bothrops jararacussu venom'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 106, (1997).
  19. M.A.G.Heleno, A.M.T.Gregio, S.Hyslop, M.D.Fontana e O.Vital Brazil, ``Partial purification of a neurotoxic component from a Duvernoy's gland extract of the aglyphous colubrid Mastigodryas bifossatus'', Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins, 3(1), 209, (1997).
  20. Castro, E.C.Landucci, J.R.Giglio, G.Cirino, E.Antunes e Nucci, ``Inflammatory responses induced by two secretory phospholipases A2 (sPLA2) homologues isolated from snake venoms'', British Journal of Pharmacology, 122, 82, (1997).
  21. S.K.P.Costa, Nucci, E.Antunes e S.D.Brain, ``Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom induces oedema formation in rat skin by activation of capsacin sensitive primary afferent neurons'', British Journal of Pharmacology, 122, 77, (1997).
  22. M.V.Medeiros, Castro, S.D.Brain, E.Antunes e Nucci, ``The eosinophil recruitment in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and pleural cavity from rats treated with capsaicin capsaicin as neonates'', British Journal of Pharmacology, 122, 145, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 10:37:14 BDB 1998