Departamento de Pediatria

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. D.M.B.Keiralla, E.A.P.Souza e M.A.Sadir, ``Adolescência, Epilepsia e Qualidade de Vida'', Congresso Internacional de Saúde Mental, Brasil , (1997).
  2. S.Denofre-Carvalho, G.da A.Fernandes e E.F.Collares, ``Hypothalamic dorsomedial nucleus lesion effects on the gastric emptying of liquid in rats'', 21.Congreso Cuadrienal del Consejo Internacional de Enfermeras, Canada , s/n, (1997).
  3. C.C.M.Medeiros, G.Guerra Junior, S.H.V.Marini, D.B.Marmo, M.T.M.Baptista, A.P.M.Faria e A.T.M.Guerra, ``A preliminary study of final height in Brazilian Girls with Turner syndrome'', 5th Joint Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, Suecia , 171, (1997).
  4. A.Barros Filho, ``Changes in the Height of young men born btween 1949 and 1976 and conscripted in Campinas (Brazil)'', The Eight International Congress of Auxology-Human Growth aand Develop, Estados Unidos , 29, (1997).
  5. T.M.Martincowiski e D.M.B.Keiralla, ``Evaluacion del Aprendizaje y la Formacion Discursiva'', Congreso Regional de Psicologia para Profesionales en Amercia, Mexico , 260-261, (1997).
  6. A.Barros Filho, ``Perspective Study on Growth of Children Infected With the Human Immunodeficiency Virus'', 16th International Congress of Nutrition, Canada , (1997).
  7. A.Barros Filho, ``Risk Factors for Low Birth Weight in a Developed City in a Developing Country'', 16th International Congress of Nutrition, Canada , (1997).
  8. D.Peterson-Leite, G.Pfaffenbach, T.B.T.Braga, F.Bucaretchi e B.B.Mendes Gun, ``Patterns of drug prescriptions for pediatric in patients in a Teaching Hospital in Brazil'', 13th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology, Estados Unidos , (1997).
  9. D.P.Leite, G.M.A.Pfaffenbach, T.B.T.Braga, F.Bucaretchi e G.B.B.Mendes, ``Patterns of drug prescriptions for pediatric inpatients in a teaching hospital in Brazil'', 13Th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology, Estados Unidos , s/n, (1997).
  10. F.Bucaretchi, C.Chavez-Olortegui e E.F.Collares, ``Effects of gamma-toxin from tityus serrulatus scorpion venom on gastric emptying in rats'', 12 Th Wordl Congress on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins, Mexico , (1997).
  11. R.J.Vieira, F.A.D.Zambrone, P.R.Madureira e F.Bucaretchi, ``Treatment of paraquat poisoning using cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone'', 1997 North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology - Annual Meeting, Estados Unidos , (1997).
  12. M.M.Magalhães, M.E.S.Pereira, C.F.S.Amaral, N.A.Rezende, D.Campolina, M.B.Dias, F.Bucaretchi, R.Gazzinelli e J.R.Cunha-Melo, ``Serum levels of cytokines in patients envenomed by Tityus serrulatus scorpion sting'', 12th World Congress on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins, Mexico , (1997).
  13. F.Bucaretchi, E.C.E.Baracat, M.T.N.Da Silva , M.R.C.C.Fonseca, F.S.Pereira-Tourinho e R.J.Vieira, ``Envenomation of children by snakes of the genera Bothrops and Crotalus'', 12th World Congress on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins, Mexico , (1997).
  14. F.Bucaretchi, C.Chávez-Olórtegui e E.F.Collares, ``Effect of gamma-toxin from Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom on gastric in rats'', 12th World Congress on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins, Mexico , (1997).
  15. G.Yonezawa e M.M.dos S.Vilela, ``The blood monocytes function from Individuals with chronic exposure to silica'', The 63rd Annual Intern.Scientific Assembly of the American College of, Estados Unidos , (1997).
  16. G.Panigassi, S.A.M.Correa, M.A.Brenelli-Vitali, D.G.Lenci, A.C.Trentin, R.C.Caraffa e Paula, ``Profissionais de Saúde: Conhecimento e Prática em Aleitamento Materno'', Congresso Latino Americano de Alimentação e Nutrição Humana, Guatemala , (1997).
  17. G.Guerra Junior, M.T.M.Baptista, A.M.Morcillo, A.T.M.Guerra, C.Hackel, A.P.Marques-de-Faria, S.H.V.Marini e C.Y.Koide, ``Can the height single evaluation differentiate the prepubertal girls with familial short stature and Turner syndrome ?'', XI Reunion de la Sociedad Latino Americana de Endocrinologia Pediatric, Chile , (1997).
  18. M.F.Leitão, M.M.dos S.Vilela, A.Grumach, A.Condino Neto e M.Kirschfink, ``Complement factor I deficiency in a family with recurrent infections'', XVI International Congress of Allergology & Clinical Immunology, Mexico , (1997).

Fri Nov 13 10:37:14 BDB 1998