Departamento de Clínica Médica

Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional especializadas

  1. S.T.O.Saad, ``molecular Characterization of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Blood donors from Brazil'', Human Heredity, 47, 17-21, (1997).
  2. S.T.O.Saad, T.Salles, H.Carvalho e F.F.Costa, ``Molecular characterization of Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in Blood Donors from Brazil'', Human Heredity, 47, 17-21, (1997).
  3. S.T.O.Saad, T.S.I.Salles, V.R.A.Arruda, F.Sonati e F.F.Costa, ``G6PD Sumaré: A novel mutation in the G6PD gene (1292) T to G) associated with chronic non sherocytic anemia'', Human Mutation, 10, 245-247, (1997).
  4. J.M.A.Bizzacchi, C.A.Seixas, G.Hessel, C.C.Ribeiro e V.R.A.Arruda, ``Factor V Leiden (FVQ506)is not common in children with portal vein thrombosis'', Thromb. Haemost, 77, 258-261, (1997).
  5. A.T.Maciel Guerra, G.Guerra Junior, S.H.V.Lemos Marini, M.T.M.Baptista e A.P.Marques de faria, ``FEmale Pseudohermaphroditism Due To Classical 21-Hydroxilase Deficiency in a Girl With Turner Syndrome'', Conference on Quantum Electronics and Lasers Science. Technical Digest Series, 51, 351-353, (1997).
  6. M.A.Mesquita, D.G.Thompson, L.E.A.Troncon, M.D*Amato, L.C.Rovati e J.Barlow, ``Effect od cholecystokinin-A receptor blockade on lipid-induced gastric relaxation in humans'', American Journal of Physiology, 1, 118-122, (1997).
  7. S.T.O.Saad, ``Beta spectrin Campinas: A novel shortened beta chain variant associated with skipping of exon 30 and hereditary elliptocytosis'', British Journal of Haematology, 79, 579-585, (1997).
  8. S.T.O.Saad, ``Beta spectrin Campinas: a novel shortened beta chain variant associated with skipping of exon 30 and hereditary elliptocytosis'', British Journal of Haematology, 79, 579-585, (1997).
  9. J.M.A.Bizzacchi, G.Hessel, C.C.Ribeiro e V.R.A.Arruda, ``Studies on the components of the contact phase system in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia'', Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 115, 1490-1494, (1997).
  10. B.Reis, E.M.Carneiro, A.C.Boschero, M.J.A.Saad e L.A.Velloso, ``Glucose-induced insulin secretion is impaired and insulin-induced phosphorilation of the insuylin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 are increased in protein-deficient rats'', Journal of Nutrition, 127(1), 403, (1997).
  11. L.T.L.Costallat, E.Quagliato e V.Zanardi, ``Evoked Potentials in the Assessment of Neuropsychiatric Manifestations in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus'', Clinical Rheumatology, 16(2), 217-219, (1997).
  12. E.Homsi, M.Mazzali, M.A.V.F.Alves e G.Alves Filho, ``Nonrecurrent Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS de novo) as Cause of Acute Renal Failure After Renal Transplant'', Renal Failure, 19(2), 271-277, (1997).
  13. E.Homsi e J.F.Figueiredo, ``Acute Ureteral Obstruction and Glomerulotubular Function in Rats'', Renal Failure, 19(2), 325-333, (1997).
  14. E.Homsi, ``Prophylaxis of Acute Renal Failure in Patients with Rhabdomyolysis'', Renal Failure, 19(2), 283-288, (1997).
  15. S.T.O.Saad, ``Celula precursora de cordao umbilical humano: Viabilidade para transplantes e terapia genica'', Revista Brasileira de Clinica e Terapeutica, 23, 127-131, (1997).
  16. S.T.O.Saad, G.W.B.Colleoni, M.R.R.Silva, R.S.Silva, F.F.Costa e J.Kerbauy, ``Relationship between the type of BCR-ABL rearrangement and bone marrow histopathological features in chronic leukemia (CML)'', Acta Oncologica, 36(3), 313-315, (1997).
  17. V.R.A.Arruda, C.S.P.Lima, S.T.O.Saad e F.F.Costa, ``Successful use of hydroxyurea in a beta thalassemia major'', New Engl J. Med, 336, 964, (1997).
  18. V.R.A.Arruda, P.M.Von Zuben, L.C.Chiaparini, J.M.A.Bizzacchi e F.F.Costa, ``The mutation Ala677 to Val in the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene: a risk factor for venous thrombosis'', Thromb. Haemost, 77(5), 818-821, (1997).
  19. C.S.P.Lima, J.Vassalo, I.G.H.Lorand-Metze, A.P.P.Bechelli e Souza, ``The Significance of Trilineage Myelodysplasia in `de novo'Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia: Clinical and Laboratory Features'', Haematologia, 28(2), 85-89, (1997).
  20. Faria, ``Mesangial Cell Abnormalities in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Before the Onset of Hypertension'', Kidney International, 52, 387-392, (1997).
  21. E.Homsi, ``Acute Renal Failure Due to Rhabdomyolysis in Diabetic Patients'', Renal Failure, 19(2), 289-293, (1997).
  22. S.T.O.Saad, D.S.Basseres, P.H.L.Pranke, T.S.I.Salles e F.F.Costa, ``Beta spectrin Campinas: A novel shortened beta chain variant associated with skipping of exon 30 and hereditary elliptocytosis'', British Journal of Haematology, 79, 579-585, (1997).
  23. F.F.Costa, M.B.Melo, I.G.H.Lorand-Metze, C.S.P.Lima e S.T.O.Saad, ``N-ras gene point mutations in Brazilian acute myelogenous leukemia patients correlate with a poor prognosis'', Leukemia and Lymphoma, 24, 309-317, (1997).
  24. S.Bordin, A.N.Meza, S.T.O.Saad, S.H.Ogo e F.F.Costa, ``cDNA Derived Amino-Acid Sequence of a Land Turtle (Geochelone carbonaria) beta-chain hemoglobin'', Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Internacional, 42(2), 255-260, (1997).
  25. F.F.Costa, W.H.Moreira, C.M.Oliveira, C.S.B.Martins e S.T.Sales, ``Determination of Neutral polymorphisms (frameworks) of Human beta Globin Gene in thalassemias by PCR/DGGE'', Sangre, 42(1), 21-24, (1997).
  26. M.L.Barjas-Castro e S.T.O.Saad, ``Absence of the G871A mutation in A3 Donodrs in Brazil'', Transfusion, 37, 564-566, (1997).
  27. C.Bertuzzo, F.Sonati e F.F.Costa, ``Hematological phenotype and the type of beta thalassemia mutation in Brazil'', Revista Brasileira de Genética, 20(2), 319-321, (1997).
  28. Barros-Mazon, M.E.Guariento e I.Abrahamsohn, ``IL-12 enhances proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from Chagas' disease patients to Trypanosoma cruzi antigen'', Immunology Letters, 57(1-3), 39-45, (1997).
  29. A.T.M.Guerra, G.Guerra Junior, S.H.V.Marini, M.T.M.Baptista e A.P.M.Faria, ``Short communication: Female pseudohermaphroditism due to classical 21-hydroxylase deficiency in a girl with Turner syndrome'', Clinical Genetics, 51(5), 351-353, (1997).
  30. Faria, ``Renal Functional Response to Protein Loading in Type 1 (Insulin-Dependent) Diabetic Patients on Normal or High Salt Intake'', Nephron, 76, 411-417, (1997).
  31. S.T.O.Saad, ``Celula precursora de cordao umbilica humano: Viabilidae para transplnates e terapia genica'', Revista Brasileira de Clinica e Terapeutica, 23, 127-131, (1997).
  32. V.Arruda, C.L.Rossi, E.Nogueira, J.Annichino-Bizzacchi, F.F.Costa e S.C.B.Costa, ``Cytomegalovirus infection as cause of severe thrombocytopenia in a non immunosuppressed patient'', Acta Haematologica, 98, 228-230, (1997).
  33. S.T.O.Saad, ``Minimal Doses of Hydroxyurea for Sickle Cell Disease'', Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 30(8), 933-940, (1997).
  34. S.T.O.Saad, A.C.M.Luzo e M.L.S.Queiroz, ``Revista Brasileira de Clinica e Terapeutica'', Revista Brasileira de Clinica e Terapeutica, 23, 127-131, (1997).
  35. L.Sterian, G.da A.Fernandes e M.E.Guariento, ``Indicadores de função tiroidiana na cardiopatia chagásica com e sem tratamento com amiodarona'', Revista Brasileira de Clinica e Terapeutica, 23(5), 201-206, (1997).
  36. S.T.O.Saad, ``Mecanismos de ativação do linfocito T e inducao da leucemia linfoma T do adulto pelo HTLV'', Revista Brasileira de Clinica e Terapeutica, 23(5), 187-189, (1997).
  37. S.T.O.Saad, C.S.P.Lima, F.F.Costa e V.R.A.Arruda, ``Minimal doses of hydroxyurea for sickle cell disease'', Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 30, 933-940, (1997).
  38. J.M.A.Bizzacchi, V.R.A.Arruda, T.F.G.Machado, A.M.Gallizoni e C.C.Ribeiro, ``Studies on the Components of the Contact Phase System in Patients with Acute Nonlymbhoblastic Leukemia'', Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 115(4), 1516-1520, (1997).
  39. A.C.Luzo, M.L.S.Queiroz e S.T.O.Saad, ``Celula precursora de sangue de cordão umbilical humano: viabilidade para transplantes e terapia gênica'', Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 23(4), 127-131, (1997).
  40. S.T.O.Saad, T.Salles, V.Arruda, F.Sonati e F.F.Costa, ``G6PD Sumaré: A novel mutation in the G6PD gene (1292 T-G) associated with chronic non-spherocytic anemia'', Human Mutation, 10, 245-247, (1997).
  41. Faria, ``Band 3 Campinas: A novel splicing mutation in the band 3 gene (AE1) associated with hereditary spherocytosis, hyperactivity of Na+/Li+ countertransport and an abnormal renal bicarbonate handling'', Blood, 90(7), 2810-2818, (1997).
  42. S.T.O.Saad, ``Band 3 Campinas: A novel splicing mutation in the Band 3 gene (AE1) associated with hereditary spherocytosis, hyperactivity of Na+/Li+ countertransport and an abnormal renal vicarbonte handling'', Blood, 90, 2810-2818, (1997).
  43. S.T.O.Saad, ``Band 3 Campinas: A novel splicing mutation in the Band 3 gene (AE1) associated with hereditary spherocytosis, hyperactivity of Na+/Li+ countertransport and an abnormal renal bicarbonate handling'', Blood, 90, 2810-2818, (1997).
  44. S.T.O.Saad, P.R.M.Lima, J.A.R.Gontijo, J.B.Lopes de Faria e F.F.Costa, ``Band 3 gene (AE1) associated with hereditary sperocytosis hyperactivity of Na+/Li+ countertransport and an abnormal renal bicarbonate handling'', Blood, 90, 2810-2818, (1997).
  45. S.T.O.Saad e S.C.O.Gilli, ``Mecanismos de ativacao do linfocito T e inducao da leucemia Linfoma T do adulto pelo HTLV I'', Revista Brasileira de Clinica e Terapeutica, 23, 187-189, (1997).
  46. J.Vassallo, I.Cardinalli e I.G.H.Lorand-Metze, ``Hemophagocytic syndrome: pitfalls in its diagnosis. Case Report'', Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 115(5), 1548-1552, (1997).
  47. V.R.A.Arruda, L.H.Siqueira, L.C.Chiaparini, O.R.Coelho, A.P.Mansur, A.Ramires e J.M.A.Bizzacchi, ``Cytamegalovirus infectiona as cause of severe trombocytopenia in a nonimmunosuppressed patient'', Acta Haematologica, 98(4), 228-230, (1997).
  48. I.A.Paschoal, ``High Prevalence of aLFA-1 Antitrypsin S Allele in A Brazilian Population'', Chest, 112, 825, (1997).
  49. A.T.Tresoldi, M.L.M.Branchini, C.Moreira Filho, M.Padoveze, S.Dantas, L.Reginato, A.Nowakonski, U.Moraes-Oliveira e P.Trabasso, ``Relative frequency of nosocomial microorganisms at Unicamp University Hospital from 1987 to 1994'', Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, 39(6), 333-336, (1997).
  50. V.R.A.Arruda, J.M.A.Bizzacchi, M.S.Goncalves e F.F.Costa, ``Prevalence of the prothrombin gene variant (nt20210A) in venous thrombosis and arterial disease'', Thromb. Haemost, 78, 1430-1433, (1997).
  51. S.Miranda, S.Fonseca, M.Figueiredo, M.Yamamoto, H.Z.W.Grotto, S.T.O.Saad e F.F.Costa, ``Hb Kõln [alfa2beta298(FG5) val-met] identified by DNA analysis in a Brazilian family'', Revista Brasileira de Genética, 20(4), 745-748, (1997).
  52. M.A.Mesquita, E.P.S.Balbino, R.S.Albuquerque, C.A.Carmona, B.T.Obuko, S.L.S.Lorena, C.G.Montes e E.C.Soares, ``Ceftriaxone in the treatment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis'', Hepato-Gastroenterology, 44, 1276-1280, (1997).
  53. L.Augusto, S.Lieber, M.Ruiz e Souza, ``Micronucleus monitoring to assess human occupational exposure to organochlorides'', Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 29, 46-52, (1997).

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