Departamento de Estudos e Lazer

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. A.Gebara, ``El Tiempo de Trabajo Y Los Tiempos de No Trabajo'', Deporte para todos, (1997).
  2. A.D.P.Bankoff e M.G.Salve, ``Studies of the effects of sedentariness o*n the locomotory systens'', 40TH World Congress ICHPER-SD, Coreia do Sul , (1997).
  3. A.D.P.Bankoff e M.G.Salve, ``The influence of the physical activity improvement in the man's quality of life'', 40TH World Congress ICHPER-SD, Coreia do Sul , (1997).

Fri Nov 13 10:37:14 BDB 1998