Departamento de Biologia Celular

Artigos publicados em revistas de circulação internacional especializadas

  1. M.L.S.Mello, ``Cytochemistry DNA, RNA and nuclear proteins'', Brazilian Journal of Genetics, 20(2), 257-264, (1997).
  2. E.R.Pimentel, L.Gomes e M.A.Marretto Esquisatto, ``Extracellular matrix composition of different regions of the bovine knee joint cartilage in cattle'', Annals of Anatomy, 179, 433-437, (1997).
  3. C.Vidal, I.S.Martins e S.S.Maria, ``Mesuring cytoplasmic calcium level in citrus protoplasts using the fluorescent probe indo-1'', Journal of Plant Physiology, 151, 329-332, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 10:37:14 BDB 1998