Departamento de Psicologia Médica Psiquiatria

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos internacionais

  1. L.M.León e A.M.Iguti, ``Trabalho e Desemprego'', VII Congreso Latino Americano de Medicina Social, Argentina , 55, (1997).
  2. M.da N.Monteiro e M.A.A.Cabral, ``Being and adolescents in a violent home in Campinas-SP and the social representations'', European Congress of the World Psychiatric Association, Suica , 12, 162, (1997).
  3. S.L.M.A.Carneiro e M.A.A.Cabral, ``O silêncio dos inocentes - abuso sexual na infância'', XXVI Congresso Interamericano de Psicologia, Brasil , 27, 2, (1997).
  4. S.L.M.A.Carneiro e M.A.A.Cabral, ``Quando tudo começa em casa - a violência notificada contra a criança e o adolescente na família'', XXVI Congresso Interamericano de Psicologia, Brasil , 1, 60, (1997).
  5. M.Bahamondes, N.J.Botega e L.G.Bahamondes, ``Algumas vivências de mulheres com esterilidade primária por obstrução tubária e informações recebidas sobre os riscos de infecções do trato reprodutivo'', XXVI Congresso Interamericano de Psicologia, Brasil , 1, 197, (1997).
  6. M.A.J.Mac Fadden, F.Duarte e E.D.Nicolas, ``Characteristics of an adult population seeking tattoo removal by Laser Surgery'', 1997 World Congress of World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 50, (1997).
  7. J.S.Giglio e Z.G.Giglio, ``Psychological interpretation or religious phenomena and its consequences on psychotherapy'', 1997 World Congress of World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 187, (1997).
  8. L.Braghini e J.S.Giglio, ``Masculine and feminine in brazilian culture: gender mandates archetypal symbolic expressions'', 1997 World Congress of World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 188, (1997).
  9. L.A.M.Yoshida, J.S.Giglio e M.M.Vizotto, ``Mental Health care in community health centers in Campinas, Brazil'', 1997 World Congress of World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 189, (1997).
  10. E.M.Pinheiro e J.S.Giglio, ``Personal fairy talesas an auxiliary resource in pschotherapy'', 1997 World Congress or the World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 189, (1997).
  11. L.M.León, Z.G.Giglio e J.S.Giglio, ``Working with psychiatry elderly in-patient: the health team perceptions'', 1997 World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 211, (1997).
  12. M.L.Fabricio Mauro e J.S.Giglio, ``Mental helath of working adolescents: a study about night school students in Campinas'', 1997 World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 219, (1997).
  13. L.A.M.Yoshida e J.S.Giglio, ``Mental Health ot Adolescents working at a Public Brazilian University'', 1997 World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 220, (1997).
  14. L.A.M.Guimarães, S.Oliveira, A.Martins, L.C.Vieira e F.Neves, ``The efficiency of the association between Psychopharmacoloy and Group Psychotherapy'', 1997 World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 134, (1997).
  15. S.Oliveira e L.A.M.Guimarães, ``Life and Death in the Kaiowá-Guarani Culture'', 1997 World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 223, (1997).
  16. L.A.M.Yoshida, M.Battistoni, M.A.J.Mac Fadden, R.M.A.Orta e A.L.Rocha, ``Abuse of drug among teenage users from the outpatient - Department of Adolescents Psychiatry and Psychology - Hospital das Clínicas - Unicamp'', 1997 World Congress of the World Federation for Mental Health, Finlandia , 1, 220, (1997).
  17. M.A.J.Mac Fadden, ``Psychosomatic and Dermatology'', 14 World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Australia , 1, 85, (1997).
  18. M.A.J.Mac Fadden, ``The mother infant relationship and psychosomatic disease'', 14 World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Australia , 1, 85, (1997).
  19. Azevedo e J.S.Giglio, ``Psychosomatic approach to obesity: evidenceof emotional disturbances in obese children trrough the drawing of the human figure and the emotional indicators of koppitz'', XV International Congress of Psychossomatic Medicine, Australia , I, 102, (1997).
  20. Mello Silva e E.R.Turato, ``Psychosocial reaction in family members of schizophrenic patients in a pscychiatric service in Brazil'', 14th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Australia , 1, 50, (1997).
  21. Figueiredo e E.R.Turato, ``Aids-related attitudes and beliefs of the nurse team in infectious disease units in Brazil: a qualitative study'', 14th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Australia , 1, 34, (1997).
  22. I.C.F.Pereira e E.R.Turato, ``Crohn's Disease and psychosocial and cultural aspects in Brazil: a clinical-qualitative study'', 14th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Australia , 1, 35, (1997).
  23. A.M.G.M.Rodrigues e E.R.Turato, ``Aids patients and psychosocial aspects in a day-hospital in Brazil: a qualitative research'', 14th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Australia , 1, 60, (1997).
  24. M.S.Lopes, M.A.C.Figueiredo e E.R.Turato, ``Psychosocial characteristics of patients infected by HIV and adherence to treatment in a public service in Brazil'', 14th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Australia , 1, 60, (1997).
  25. M.A.dos Santos, E.T.Brito e Silva e E.R.Turato, ``Homeopath in Brazilian Culture: aspects of personal history and professional choice'', 14th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Australia , 1, 60, (1997).
  26. F.O.C.Herreros e E.R.Turato, ``Psycho-cultural aspectsof Hansen's Disease as seen by outpatients in a university hospital in Brazil'', 14th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, Australia , 1, 60, (1997).

Fri Nov 13 10:37:14 BDB 1998